Lab Test Directory - Akron
Akron Lab Tests
- 11 Desoxycortisol (DESOX)
- 17 Hydroxypregnenolone (HPREG)
- 17 Hydroxyprogesterone (OHP)
- 21-Hydroxylase Ab, S (OH21)
- 3 Methylglutaconic Acid, Blood (3META)
- A/G Ratio (A/G)
- ABO and Rh Type (ABORH)
- Acacia, IgE (ACAC)
- Acetaminophen (ACETN)
- Acetoacetate, Serum (ACETA)
- Acetylcholine Rec/Bin Ab (ACHRA)
- Acid Fast Culture (TBC/S)
- Acid Phosphatase, Total (APHOS)
- Activated Clotting Time (ACT)
- Acylcarnitines, Plasma Quantitative (ACP)
- Acylglycine, Urine (ACYLG)
- Adalimumab Quantitative with Reflex to Antibody, Serum (ADALR)
- ADAMTS13 Activity and Inhibitor Profile (ADM13)
- Adenovirus PCR, Quantitative (non-blood specimens) (ADPCR)
- Adenovirus, Qualitative PCR (LAB3001)
- Adenovirus, Quantitative PCR (LAB4740)
- ADP Platelet Aggregation (ADP)
- Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)
- Aerobe Culture (AER)
- Aeromonas Culture (AERMC)
- AFP, Amniotic Fluid (MOMSO)
- Albumin (ALB)
- Alcohol (ALCO)
- Aldolase (ALDOL)
- Aldosterone (ALDOS)
- Alk Phos, Heat Fractionated (ALKPF)
- Alkaline Phosphatase (ALKP)
- Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes (APISO)
- Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis Panel II (ABPA)
- Almond, IgE (ALM)
- Alpha -1-Antitrypsin, Stool (Mayo) (A1ANT)
- Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (A1AT)
- Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Phenotype (AATPH)
- Alpha-Fetoprotein, Serum (Tumor Marker) (AFPT)
- Alpha-Galactosidase, Leukocytes (AGALL)
- Alprazolam (ALPRA)
- ALPS Panel by Flow Cytometry (ALPSP)
- Alternaria tenuis, IgE (ALTN)
- Aluminum, Serum (ALUM)
- Ambien (AMB)
- Amino Acids QN Random Urine (AAQU)
- Amino Acids Quantitative Plasma (AAP)
- Amino Acids, QN, CSF (AACSF)
- Aminolevulinic Acid, U (ALAC)
- Amitri/Nortriptyline (AMINT)
- Ammonia (AMON)
- Amoxicillin, IgE (AMOXY)
- Amphetamine Screen, Urine (AMPUR)
- Amylase (AMYL)
- Amylase, Pleural Fluid (AMYPL)
- ANA Ab Screen (ANASN)
- ANA Ab w/Reflex (ANAPR)
- Anaerobe Culture (ANAC)
- Androstenedione (ANDRO)
- Aneuploidy Analysis FISH Panel, Chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y (AFISH)
- Angelman Syndrome and Prader-Willi Syndrome, Methylation DNA Assay (LAB4658)
- Angiotensin-1-Converting Enzyme (A1CE)
- Anti-DNase B Titer (ADNAS)
- Anti-Enterocyte Antibodies (EPICA)
- Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane by Western Blot (AGBM)
- Anti-nDNA Ab (NDNAB)
- Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody (ANCAB)
- Anti-Smith (Sm) Antibody IgG (SMIT)
- Anti-Streptolysin O Ab (ASO)
- Anti-Thrombin III Activity (AT3A3)
- Anti-thyroid Ab Profile (ATAP)
- Anti-Thyroidperoxidase (TPOXD)
- Anti-Xa for Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH)
- Antimullerian Hormone (MULLH)
- Apple, IgE (APPL)
- Arachadonic Acid Platelet Aggregation (ARACH)
- Arbovirus Ab Panel (IgG and IgM) (ARBOP)
- Arsenic, Blood (ARSBL)
- Arylsulfatase A, Leukocytes (ARYLA)
- Aspergillus fumigatas, IgE (ASPGF)
- Aspergillus galactomannan Antigen (ASGAL)
- Aspergillus niger, IgE (ASPG)
- Aureobasidium pullulans, IgE (AUPU)
- Australian Pine, IgE (APIN)
- Avocado, IgE (AVOC)
- B-Glucosidase, Leukocytes (BGLU)
- B-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB1)
- Bahia Grass, IgE (BAHG)
- Baker's Yeast, IgE (BYST)
- Banana, IgE (BANA)
- Barley, IgE (BRLY)
- Bartonella Henselae Abs (BARTH)
- Bartonella PCR, Blood (BAPCB)
- Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP)
- BCR/ABL, mRNA Detection (BCRQ)
- BCR/ABL1, p210, Quant, Monitor (BCRAB)
- Bean Lima, IgE (FBLM)
- Beech, IgE (BECH)
- Beef, IgE (BEEF)
- Benztropine (BENZT)
- Bermuda Grass, IgE (BERG)
- Beta 2 Glycoprotein Abs (B2GP)
- Beta Galactosidase, Leukocytes (BGAL)
- Beta-2-Microglobulin (BETA2)
- Beta-lactoglobulin, IgE (BLAT)
- Bile Acids, Fractionated (BLACF)
- Bilirubin (BILI)
- Bilirubin, Conjugated (DBILI)
- Bilirubin, Total (TBILI)
- Bilirubin, Urine (BILE)
- Biotinidase, Serum (BIOT)
- BK Virus, Qualitative PCR (LAB3382)
- BK Virus, Quantitative PCR (LAB3387)
- BK Virus, Reflex to Quantitative PCR (LAB3992)
- Black/White Pepper, IgE (BLPEP)
- Blood Culture (BLOOD)
- Blood Smear Review (BSMRV)
- Blue Mussel, IgE (MUSS)
- Blueberry, IgE (BLUE)
- Body Fluid Cell Count and Differential Automated (FLCDA)
- Bone Marrow (BNMRW)
- Bordetella Pertussis Ab, IgG (BPGAB)
- Bordetella pertussis/parapertussis PCR (BPPT)
- Box Elder Maple, IgE (BXMPL)
- Brazil Nut, IgE (BRAZ)
- Broad Range Microbiology PCR (BROPC)
- Broccoli, IgE (BROC)
- Brucella Abs IgG, IgM (BRUCA)
- Buckwheat, IgE (BUCW)
- BUN, Peritoneal Dialysate (BUNPD)
- Buprenorphine Screen, Urine (BUPUR/SUMMA)
- C Peptide (CPEP)
- C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
- C. albicans, IgE (CDAB)
- C1 Esterase Inhibitor Antigen (C1ESI)
- C1 Esterase Inhibitor Functional (C1EST)
- C1Q Binding Assay (C1QBA)
- C3, Complement (C3)
- C4, Complement (C4)
- Cacao/Cocoa, IgE (COCO)
- CAH 6 Pediatric Profile (CAH6)
- Calcitonin (CALTN)
- Calcium (CA)
- Calcium Urine, 24 hr (UCA24)
- Calcium Urine, Random (UCAR)
- Calcium, Ionized WB (ICAWB)
- Calculus Analysis (CALCU)
- Calprotectin (CALPR)
- Campylobacter Only Culture (CAMPC)
- Cancer Antigen 125 (CA125)
- Cancer Probe by DNA FISH
- Carbamazepine (CRBAM)
- Carbamazepine, Epoxide (CARBA)
- Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin (CARDT)
- Carbon Dioxide (TCO2)
- CarboxyHgb (COHG)
- Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)
- Cardiolipin ABS (CARDI)
- Carnitine Plasma (CARN)
- Carnitine, Urine (CARUR)
- Carrot, IgE (CROT)
- Casein, IgE (CASE)
- Cashew, IgE (CASH)
- Cat Epithelium, IgE (CAT)
- Catecholamine Fractionation, Free, Plasma (CATP)
- Catecholamine Fractioned Free Urine (CATEC)
- Catfish, IgE (FCAT)
- CCP Antibody, IgG (CCPIG)
- CD-4 Profile (CD4PF)
- CD34 Monitor (CD34M)
- Celery, IgE (CELY)
- Celiac HLA-DQ Typing (CELGN)
- Centromere Ab (CENTR)
- Cephalosporium, IgE (CEAC)
- Ceruloplasmin (CERUL)
- Cheese, Cheddar, IgE (CCHZ)
- Cheese, Mold, IgE (MCHZ)
- Cherry, IgE (CHERY)
- Chestnut, Sweet, IgE (CNUT)
- Chick Pea, IgE (CHXP)
- Chicken Feathers, IgE (CHCK)
- Chicken, IgE (CHIC)
- Chili Pepper, IgE (CHLI)
- Chlamydia pneumoniae IgG, IgM, IgA Abs. (CLPNE)
- Chlamydia pneumoniae PCR (CPNPC)
- Chlamydia psittaci Abs (PSITA)
- Chlamydia trachomatis / GC PCR Panel (CT/NG)
- Chlamydia/Gonorrhoeae Amplified RNA (CGRNA)
- Chloride (CL)
- Chloride Urine 24 hr (UCL24)
- Chloride Urine, Random (CLUR)
- Chloride, CSF (ZMSO,)
- Chloride, Misc Fluid (CLFLD)
- Chloride, WB (CLWB)
- Chlorpromazine, Serum (CLRPR)
- Cholesterol (CHOL)
- Chromium, 24 hour Urine (CHRU)
- Chromium, Blood (CHROB)
- Chromogranin A (CHRMA)
- Chromosome Analysis, Blood (KBLZ)
- Chromosome Analysis, Bone Marrow, Neoplastic Disorder (KBMZ)
- Chromosome Analysis, Fetal (KFET)
- Chromosome Analysis, Tissue (KTI)
- Chromosome Analysis, Tumor (KTU)
- Cinnamon, IgE (CINN)
- Circulating Anticoagulant Inhibitor (CAI)
- Citrate Excretion, Peds, Random, U (CITRU)
- Citric Acid, Urine 24 Hr (CITAC)
- CK Isoenzymes (CKISO)
- CKMB (Total CK and %CKMB) (ZMSO)
- Cladosporium, IgE (CLAD)
- Clam, IgE (CLAMM)
- Clobazam and metabolite, S (CLBZS)
- Clonazepam (CLONO)
- Clonidine (CLNID)
- Clostridium difficile by Amplification (CDIFA)
- CMV IgG Avidity (CAVID)
- Co-oximetry Panel (COOX)
- Coccidiodes Abs (COCID)
- Cocklebur, IgE (CBUR)
- Cockroach, IgE (COCR)
- Coconut, IgE (CCNT)
- Codfish, IgE (COD)
- Coenzyme Q10 Reduced and Total Plasma (COQ10)
- Cold Agglutinin Titer (COLDA)
- Collagen Binding VWF (CBVWF)
- Collagen Platelet Aggregation (COLGN)
- Coma Panel (COMA)
- Comp Metabolic Panel (CMP)
- Complement AH50 (AH50)
- Complement, Total (COMPT)
- Complete Blood Count with Differential (CBC WITH DIFF) (CBC)
- Complete Blood Count without Differential (CBC WITHOUT DIFF, aka hemogram) (HEGRM)
- Comprehensive Nut Allergen Panel (NUTC)
- Copeptin, plasma (COPEP)
- Copper (CU)
- Copper Urine, 24hr (CU24H)
- Copper Urine, Random (CUUR)
- Corn-Food, IgE (CORNM)
- Cortisol Free, 24 HR, U (CORTU)
- Cortisol, plasma (CORT)
- Cortisol, Saliva (SALCT)
- Cortisol,Free, Random,Urine (COCRU)
- Cottonwood, IgE (CTWD)
- Coumadin (COUM)
- Cow Epithelium, IgE (COW)
- Coxsackie A9 Ab (COXA9)
- Crab, IgE (CRAB)
- Crayfish, IgE (CRAY)
- Creatine Disorders Panel, Urine (CRDPU)
- Creatine Kinase (CK)
- Creatinine (CREAT/)
- Creatinine Clearance 12 hr (UCC12)
- Creatinine Clearance 24 hr (UCC24)
- Creatinine Urine 24 hr (UCR24)
- Creatinine Urine, Random (UCRR)
- Creatinine, Peritoneal Dialysate (CREPD)
- Cryofibrinogen (CRYFI)
- Cryoglobulin (CRYQN)
- Crystals (CRYST)
- CSF Culture (CSFC)
- CU Index (CUI)
- Cucumber, IgE (CUKE)
- Curvularia lunata, IgE (CURL)
- Cyanide (CYAN)
- Cyclosporine (CYCAC)
- Cystatin C (CYSTC)
- Cystine, Pl Univ of California (CYUCP)
- Cystine, Urine Quant (CYST)
- Cystinuria Profile, QN, Random (CYSU)
- Cytogenomic Microarray Analysis of Postnatal Blood (MCRY1)
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Qualitative PCR (LAB1332)
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Qualitative PCR - Neonatal Screen, Urine (LAB1332)
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Quantitative PCR (LAB913)
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Reflex to Quantitative PCR (LAB3993)
- Cytospin Preparation (PREP)
- D-Dimer Quantitative (QDIMR)
- Dandelion, IgE (DAND)
- DHEA Sulfate (DHEAS)
- DHR Flow Cytometric Test, Blood (DHR)
- Diazepam and Nordiazepam (DIAZA)
- Digoxin (DIGOX)
- Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
- Dilantin, Free and Total (DILFR)
- Dill, IgE (DILL)
- Dilute RVVT Screen Ratio with Reflex (DRVTI)
- Diphtheria Toxoid IgG Ab (DIPTX)
- Diphtheria/Tetanus Toxoid IgG Ab (DPTET)
- Direct Antiglobulin Test (DAT)
- Disaccharidase Activity Panel, Ts (DISAT)
- DNA Extraction & Hold (DNEXZ)
- Dog Dander, IgE (DOGD)
- Drugs of Abuse Screen, Urine Akron (DRGT)
- Drugs of Abuse, Meconium and Confirmation Tests (DASM5)
- Duck Feathers, IgE (DUCK)
- E. coli 0157 Culture (EC157)
- Eastern Sycamore, IgE (ESYC)
- Echinococcus Abs (ECHNA)
- ED Stat Panel (EDPAN)
- Egg White, IgE (EGG)
- Egg Yolk, IgE (YOLK)
- Eggplant, IgE (EGGP)
- Electrolyte Panel (LYTES)
- Electrolytes Urine 24 hr (ULY24)
- Electrolytes Urine, Random (ULYTR)
- Elm, IgE (ELM)
- Endomysial IgA Ab (ENDOM)
- English Plantain, IgE (EGPL)
- Entamoeba histolytica, IgG (EHIST)
- Enteric Culture (STOOL)
- Enterovirus PCR, Other (EVPCO)
- Enterovirus PCR, Plasma (EVPCP)
- Environment Culture (ENVIR)
- Eosinophil Count, Nasal (EOSN)
- Eosinophil Count, Urine (EOSU)
- Epicoccum purpurascens, IgE (EPUR)
- Epinephrine Platelet Aggregation (EPNPH)
- Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Qualitative PCR (LAB3335)
- Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Reflex to Quantitative PCR (LAB3991)
- Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). Quantitative PCR (LAB3336)
- Epstein-Barr Virus Antibody Profile (LAB1772)
- Erythroblastosis Evaluation (ERYTH)
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESRAT)
- Erythropoietin (EPO)
- Estradiol (ESTA)
- Estrogens, Fractionated, Serum (ESTF)
- Estrone (ESTN)
- Ethosuximide (Mayo) (ETSXM)
- Everolimus, Blood (EVERB)
- Factor II Activity Assay (F2A)
- Factor II Prothrombin 20210G>A, DNA Assay (LAB346)
- Factor IX Assay (FIX)
- Factor V Activity Assay (F5A)
- Factor V Leiden and Factor II Prothrombin Panel, DNA Assay (LAB4648)
- Factor V Leiden, DNA Assay (LAB3269)
- Factor VII Assay (FVIIA)
- Factor VIII Assay (FVIII)
- Factor X Activity Assay (F10A/MAYO)
- Factor XI Activity Assay (F11A)
- Factor XII Activity Assay (F12A)
- Factor XIII Screen (FXIII)
- Factor XIII V34L, DNA Assay (LAB3261)
- False Ragweed, IgE (FRW)
- Fat, Feces (Qualitative and Quantitative) (FATF)
- Fatty Acid Profile Peroxismal (FAPRX)
- Feather Panel #2, IgE (FETH2)
- Fecal Lactoferrin (FELAC)
- Fecal Leukocyte Stain (LEUKO)
- Felbamate (FELBA)
- Ferritin (FERTN)
- Fetal Fibronectin (SUMMA) (FFN)
- Fibrinogen (FBG)
- Fibroblast Culture-Mayo Clinic Sendout (FIBR)
- Firebush (Kochia), IgE (FBSH)
- FK506 (FK5CC)
- Flecainide (FLEC)
- Fluconazole (FLUC)
- Flunitrazepam, Screen Urine (FLUNU)
- Fluoxetine/Norfluoxetine (FLUOX)
- Folate (FOLAT)
- Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
- Fragile X Syndrome (FMR1), DNA Assay (LAB3425)
- Free Fatty Acids, Total, Serum (FFAM)
- Full Thrombophilia Panel, DNA Assay (LAB3274)
- Fung Cult-Skin, Nail, Hair (FUNGS)
- Fungal Culture (FUNG)
- Fungitell, serum (FUNGT)
- Fusarium monilforme, IgE (FUSM)
- Gabapentin (GABAP)
- GAD 65 Autoantibodies (GAD)
- Gal-1-Phos Uridyltransferase Phenotype, RBC (GPUTG)
- Galactokinase, Blood (GALKS)
- Galactose 1 Phosphate Uridyltransferase, RBC (G1PUT)
- Galactose 1 Phosphate, RBC (G1P)
- Galactosylceramide Beta Galactosidase, WBC (GBG)
- Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid, Serum (GHBSE)
- Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid, Urine (GHBUR)
- Garlic, IgE (GARL)
- Gases, Arterial (GASES)
- Gases, Blood Post-Oxygenator (BGPOS)
- Gases, Blood Pre-Oxygenator (BGPRE)
- Gases, Capillary (GASC)
- Gases, Venous (GASV)
- Gastrin (GAST)
- Gastro-Intestinal (GI) Panel Film Array (GFILM)
- GC Culture (GCC)
- Gelatin, IgE (GELA)
- Genital Culture (GENIT)
- Gentamicin (GENT)
- Gestational 3HR Challenge (MG3HR)
- Giant Ragweed, IgE (GRW)
- Giardia and Cryptosporidium Screen (OPSCR)
- Gliadin Deamidated Abs (GLIDA)
- Glomerular Basement Membrane IgG Ab (GBMG)
- Glucose (GLU)
- Glucose by Meter (GLUM)
- Glucose CSF (GLCSF)
- Glucose Peritoneal Dialysate (GLUPD)
- Glucose Phosphate Isomerase, B (GPIB)
- Glucose Protein CSF (GLPRC/ACHM5)
- Glucose Whole Blood (GLUWB)
- Glucose, 2HR Challenge (GL2HR)
- Glucose, Pleural Fluid (GLUPL)
- Glucose, Urine (GLUQL)
- Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase, Quant (G6PDL)
- Gluten, IgE (GLT)
- Goldenrod, IgE (GLDR)
- Goose Feathers, IgE (GOOS)
- Gram Stain (GRAM)
- Gram Stain Vaginal (GRAMV)
- Grape, IgE (GRAP)
- Green Coffee Bean, IgE (GCBN)
- Green Pea, IgE (GPEA)
- Green Pepper, IgE (GPEP)
- Green String Bean, IgE (GSTB)
- Group A Strep Antigen (STRPA)
- Group A Streptococcal Abs (DNASE)
- Group B Strep Culture (GRBSC)
- Growth Differentiation Factor 15, P (GDF15)
- Growth Hormone (GH)
- Growth Hormone Ab (GHAB)
- Guinea Pig Epithelium, IgE (GUIN)
- Haemophilus influenza type B Ab (HING)
- Halibut, IgE (HALI)
- Haloperidol (HALOP)
- Hamster, IgE (HAPI)
- Haptoglobin (HAP)
- Hazelnut Tree, IgE (HAZ)
- Hazelnut, IgE (NUTH)
- HCG, Serum (HCGS)
- HCG, Urine (HCGUR)
- HDL Cholesterol (HDL)
- Heavy Metal Creatinine Ratio, Urine, Random with Reflex, Urine (HMCRU)
- Helicobacter Culture (CLO)
- Helicobacter pylori Ag (HPYAG)
- Helminthosporium halodes, IgE (HELM)
- Hematocrit (HCRT)
- Hemoglobin (HGB)
- Hemoglobin A1c (HBA1C)
- Hemoglobin and Hematocrit (H&H)
- Hemoglobin HPLC (HHPLC)
- Hemoglobin, urine (HGBUR)
- Hepatic Panel (LIVER)
- Hepatitis A IgM Antibody (HEPAM)
- Hepatitis Acute Panel (HACTP)
- Hepatitis B Core IgM Antibody (HEPBC)
- Hepatitis B Surface Ab (HBSAB)
- Hepatitis B Surface Ag (HEPBS)
- Hepatitis B Viral DNA, Ultra Quant (HEPUQ)
- Hepatitis Be Antigen (HEPBE)
- Hepatitis C Ab with Reflex to PCR (HEPCR)
- Hepatitis C Quant RNA by PCR (HCRNA)
- Hepatitis C Virus Genotype (HCVG)
- Hepatitis D Antibody (HEPDB)
- Hereditary Hemochromatosis DNA Test (HFET)
- Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Type 1 and 2, Qualitative PCR (LAB917)
- Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and 2 Specific Antibodies, Serum (HSVSP/MAYO)
- Herpesvirus-6 PCR, Cincinnati Child. (HV6CC)
- Hexosaminidase A & Total, Serum (HEXAS)
- HHV-7 IgG & IgM Abs (HV7GM)
- Histamine Plasma (HISTM)
- Histone IgG Antibody (HISAB)
- Histoplasma Abs (HISTO)
- HIV 1 and 2 Ag and Ab Screen (HIVD)
- HIV-1 Antibody, Rapid (HVRAP)
- HIV-1 Genotype (HVGEN)
- HIV-1 RNA Detection and Quantification, Plasma (HIVBR)
- HLA-B27, DNA Assay (LAB869)
- Homocysteine, Total Plasma (HOM)
- Homocysteine, Urine (HOMOU)
- Homovanillic Acid, Urine (HVA)
- Honeybee Venom, IgE (HBV)
- Horse Dander, IgE (HORS)
- Horsefly/Stablefly, IgE (HFSF)
- House Dust mites/D. farinae, IgE (DF)
- House Dust Mites/D. pteronyssinus, IgE (DP)
- House Dust/Greer Lab, IgE (HDG)
- House Dust/H-S Lab (HDHS)
- Human Anti-Mouse IgG Abs (HAMAB)
- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, Quant (HCGQN)
- Hypersens. pneumonitis Panel (HYPPN)
- IBD sgi Diagnostic
- Ibuprofen (IBUPR)
- ICA 512 Antibodies (ICAAB)
- IgD (IGD)
- IGF 1 (IGF1)
- IGF Binding Protein 1 (IGBP1)
- IGF Binding Protein 3 (IGBP3)
- IgG Subclasses (IGGSU)
- IgG Synthesis and Index (SFIN)
- Imipram/Desipramine (IMIDP)
- Immunoelectrophoresis, Urine (IMELU)
- Immunoglobulin A (IGA)
- Immunoglobulin A, G, M, E (IGAME)
- Immunoglobulin E (IGE)
- Immunoglobulin G (IGG)
- Immunoglobulin M (IGM)
- Immunoglobulins A, G, M (IGGAM)
- Infliximab QN with Reflex to Ab (INFXR)
- Influenza A/B, Qualitative NAAT (IDFLU)
- Inhalant 24 Allergen Panel (INHAL)
- Inhibin B (INHB)
- Inner Ear 68KD Antibody (68KDA)
- Insulin (INSUL)
- Insulin Antibodies (INSAB)
- Interleukin 1b (INT1B)
- Interleukin-2 (INTL2)
- Interleukin-6 (INTL6)
- Iodine (IODIN)
- Iodine, Urine 24 Hr (IODUR)
- Iontophoresis (IONTO)
- Iron (IRON)
- Isopropanol, Urine (ISOPU)
- Itraconazole (ITRAC)
- Japanese Cedar, IgE (JCED)
- Jo 1 Antibody (JO1AB)
- Johnson Grass, IgE (JOHN)
- June Grass, IgE (JUNE)
- Ketones (KETOU)
- Kidney Bean (Red), IgE (KDBN)
- Kiwi Fruit, IgE (KIWI)
- KOH Preparation (KOH)
- Lacosamide, Serum (LACOS)
- Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD)
- Lactate, WB (LAWB)
- Lactic Acid (LA)
- Lactic Acid, CSF (LACSF)
- Lamb's Quarter, IgE (LAMQ)
- Lamb, IgE (LAMB)
- Lamotrigine (LAMOT)
- Latex, IgE (LATX)
- LD, Isoenzymes (LDISO)
- LD-Pleural-Fluid (LDPL)
- LDL Cholesterol (Beta-Quant), S (LDLD)
- Lead, Capillary (LEADC)
- Lead, Venous (LEADV)
- Legionella Ag, Urine (LEGUR)
- Legionella Cult. (LGNCL)
- Lentil, IgE (LEN)
- Leptin (LEP)
- Leptospira Ab, IgM (LEPTM)
- Lettuce, IgE (LETT)
- Leukemia Surface Markers (LKMKR)
- Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase
- Levetiracetam (LEVET)
- Lidocaine (ZMSO)
- Lipase (LIPAS)
- Lipase Pleural Fluid (LIPPL)
- Lipid Panel (LIPID)
- Lipoprotein (a) (LPA)
- Lipoprotein Electrophoresis (LIPEL)
- Lithium (LI)
- Liver - Kidney Microsome (Mayo) (LKIDM)
- Lobster, IgE (LOB)
- Luteinizing Hormone (LH) (LH)
- Lyme Disease PCR (LYMPC)
- Lyme Disease Serology (LYMSR)
- Lyme Disease, Western Blot (Mayo) (LYWB)
- Lymphocyte Profile (LYMPR)
- Lymphocyte Proliferation, Mitogens (LYMIT)
- Macadamia Nut, IgE (FMCN)
- Magnesium (MG)
- Malaria Parasite Exam (MALEX)
- Malt, IgE (MALT)
- Manganese, Serum (MANG)
- Mango, IgE (MANGO)
- Meadow Fescue, IgE (MEAD)
- Measles Antibody, IgG (LAB1774)
- Medical Neurogenetics Misc. Sendout (MNGM)
- Melaleuca leucadendron, IgE (MELAI)
- Melons, IgE (MELN)
- Meningitis/Encephalitis Film Array (MEFLM)
- Metanephrines, Fractionated, Urine (METAF)
- Methemoglobin (METHG)
- Methotrexate (MTX)
- Methylmalonic Acid, QN Serum (MMAQ)
- Methylmalonic Acid, QN Urine (MMAQU)
- Microalbumin (MALB)
- Microdeletion Analysis by DNA FISH
- Milk, IgE (MILK)
- Mini Rast Allergen Profile (RASTM)
- Mitochondrial Ab Panel (MITO)
- Mitotane (MIT2)
- Mold IV Allergen Panel (MOLD)
- Mono-Screen (MSPOT)
- Mosquito Species, IgE (MSPP)
- Mountain Cedar, IgE (CED)
- Mouse Epithelium, IgE (MOUS)
- Mouse Serum Protein, IgE (MOSP)
- Mouse Urine Protein, IgE (MOUP)
- Mucopolysaccharide QN, Random, Urine (MPSQU)
- Mucor racemosus, IgE (MUC)
- Mugwort, IgE (MUG)
- Mulberry, IgE (MULB)
- Mumps Antibody, IgG (LAB1775)
- Mumps IgM Ab (MUMPM)
- Mushroom, IgE (MUSH)
- Mustard, IgE (MSTD)
- Mycophenolic Acid (MYCAC)
- Mycoplasma Culture (MYPLA)
- Mycoplasma pneumoniae Abs IgG and IgM (MYCPN)
- Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG Ab (MYCOG)
- Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Qualitative PCR (LAB261)
- Myelin Basic Protein CSF (MBP)
- Myoglobin, Urine (MYOGL)
- N-terminal pro B-type Natriuretic Peptide (PBNP)
- NATP Workup (NATP)
- Natural Killer (NK)/Natural Killer (NK Function) (NKFCT)
- Nettle, IgE (NETT)
- Neuron-Specific Enolase (NSE)
- Neurotransmitter Profile, CSF (NTCSF)
- Neutrophil Antibody (NEUAB)
- Nicotine/Cotinine (NICOT)
- Non-Seasonal Inhalant Allergen Profile (NSIP)
- Northeast Regional Allergen Profile (NEREG)
- Nortriptyline (NORTP)
- Oak, IgE (OAK)
- Oat, IgE (OAT)
- Occult Bld, Gastric (OCGAS)
- Occult Blood, Qual (OCBLD)
- Ohio Grasses Allergen Panel (OGRAS)
- Ohio Trees Allergen Panel (OTREE)
- Oligoclonal Banding (OLIGA)
- Oligosaccharide Screen, Urine (OLIGU)
- Onion, IgE (ONIN)
- Orange, IgE (ORNG)
- Orchard Grass, IgE (ORCH)
- Organic Acids Screen, Urine (OASU)
- Orotic Acid, Urine (OAU)
- Osmolality, Serum (OSMOS)
- Osmolality, Urine (OSMUR)
- Osmotic Fragility, RBC (OSFRE)
- Ova and Parasite Special Exam (OVPRX)
- Oxalate, Pediatric, Random, U (OXAU)
- Oxalate, Plasma (OXAP)
- Oxalate, Urine 24 Hr (OXUR)
- Oxcarbazepine (OXCAR)
- Oyster, IgE (OYST)
- Pancreatic Elastase Panel (PELAS)
- Paprika, IgE (PAPR)
- Parasite ID, Macroscopic (PARID)
- Parathyroid Hormone (Intact) (PTH)
- Parsley, IgE (PSLY)
- Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT)
- Parvovirus B-19, Qualitative PCR (LAB3237)
- Parvovirus B19 IgG & IgM Ab (PARVO)
- Passion Fruit, IgE (PFRT)
- Peach, IgE (PECH)
- Peanut Component Reflex, S (PEANT)
- Peanut, IgE (PEAN)
- Pear, IgE (PEAR)
- Pecan, IgE (PEC)
- Penicillin G, IgE (PBPO)
- Penicillin V, IgE (PENV)
- Penicillium chrysogenum, IgE (PENL)
- Pentobarbital (ZMSO)
- Pepper Cayenne, IgE (FPCY)
- pH, Misc fluid by meter (PHFLD)
- pH, Stool (PHSTL)
- pH, Urine (PHUR)
- Phenobarbital (PHNO)
- Phenylalanine and Tyrosine Blood Spot (PTBS/SHIMZ)
- Phenylalanine and Tyrosine Plasma (PTP)
- Phenytoin (PHENY)
- Phoma betae, IgE (PHMA)
- Phosphorous, Ur 24 Hr (PHU24)
- Phosphorous, Ur Random (PHOUR)
- Phosphorus (PHOS)
- Pigeon Droppings, IgE (PDRP)
- Pine Nut, IgE (PINE)
- Pineapple, IgE (PNAP)
- Pinworm Prep (PINWM)
- Pipecolic Acid (PIPA)
- Pistachio, IgE (PISCH)
- Plasma Hemoglobin (PLHGB)
- Plasma Renin Activity (REN)
- Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor (PAI-1)
- Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), DNA Assay (LAB3260)
- Plasminogen Activity (PLFU2)
- Platelet Aggregation Profile (PLTAG)
- Platelet Antibody (PLTAB)
- Platelet Count (PLTCT)
- Platelet Function Test (PFT)
- Plesiomonas Culture (PLESC)
- Plum, IgE (PLUM)
- PNH, PI-Linked Antigen, Blood (PLINK)
- Poliovirus Immune Status (POLAB)
- Pork, IgE (PORK)
- Porphobilinogen, Quantitative Urine (PBGQT)
- Porphyrins, Quant Random Urine (POQRU)
- Porphyrins, Quantitative Urine (PORPU)
- Porphyrins, Stool (PORST)
- Post-Transplant Engraftment (Chimerism), DNA Assay (LAB4801)
- Potassium (K)
- Potassium Urine 24 hr (UK24)
- Potassium Urine Random (UK1)
- Potassium, Misc Fluid (KFLD)
- Potassium, WB (KWB)
- Pre-Transplant Engraftment (Chimerism), DNA Assay (LAB4800)
- Prealbumin (PALB)
- Pregnenolone (PREGN)
- Prenatal Screen (PRENA)
- Primidone (PRIMI)
- Privet Tree, IgE (PTRE)
- Procalcitonin (PCAL)
- Progesterone (PROG)
- Proinsulin (PROIN)
- Prolactin (PRLAC)
- Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
- Protein C Activity (PRTC3)
- Protein C Antigen (PRCAG)
- Protein Electrophoresis, 24 hr., Urine (EP24U)
- Protein Electrophoresis, Serum (PROEL)
- Protein S Activity (PRTS3)
- Protein S Antigen, Plasma (PSTF)
- Protein, CSF (PRCSF)
- Protein, Misc. fluid (PROMF)
- Protein, Total (TP)
- Protein, Urine (PROQL)
- Prothrombin Time (PT)
- Prothrombin Time & Activated PTT (PTPTT)
- Pseudocholinesterase (PCHOL)
- PT by Monitor (PTMON)
- Pyridoxal 5-phosphate, CSF (FP5PC)
- Pyruvate Kinase (PYKIN)
- Pyruvic Acid, Blood (PYRUA)
- Pyruvic Acid, CSF (PYRCF)
- Quantiferon-TB Gold (QUTBG)
- Quantitative Culture (QUANT)
- Quinidine (QUINI)
- Rabbit Epithelium, IgE (REPII)
- Raji Cell Assay (RAJI)
- Rapamune (RAPAM)
- Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR)
- Raspberry, IgE (RASP)
- Red Sorrel, IgE (SORR)
- Red Top, IgE (REDT)
- Reducing Substance, Stool (REDST)
- Reducing Substances (REDSU)
- Renal Panel (RENAL)
- Respiratory 28 Allergen Panel (RSPP)
- Respiratory Culture (RESP)
- Respiratory Panel Film Array (RFILM)
- Reticulocyte Count, Automated (RTCA)
- Rheumatoid Factor IgM (RFIGM)
- Rhizopus nigricans, IgE (RHNI)
- Rice, IgE (RICE)
- Ristocetin Platelet Aggregation (RISTO)
- Ritalin (RITAL)
- RNP Antibody (RNPAN)
- Rotavirus Ag (ROTA)
- Rough Marsh Elder, IgE (MARS)
- Rough Pigweed, IgE (RRRP)
- RSV, Qualitative NAAT (IDRSV)
- Rubella Antibody, IgG (LAB1773)
- Rubella IgM Ab (RUBLM)
- Rubeola IgM Ab (MEASM)
- Rufinamide, Serum (RUFIS)
- Russian Thistle, IgE (RUSS)
- Rye Grass, IgE (RYEG)
- Rye, IgE (RYE)
- Salicylate (SALI)
- Salmon, IgE (SALM)
- Salmonella Culture (SALMC)
- SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid, Total Ab, Serum (COVTA)
- SC5b-9 (SC5B9)
- Scallop, IgE (SCAL)
- Scleroderma-70 Ab (SCL70)
- Seasonal Inhalants Allergen Profile (SEAS)
- Selenium, Serum (SELEN)
- Sequential Screen, First Trimester (SEQ1)
- Sequential Screen, Second Trimester (SEQ2)
- Serotonin (SEROT)
- Sesame Seed, IgE (SESA)
- Sheep Wool, IgE (SHWL)
- Shigella Culture (SHIGC)
- Short Ragweed, IgE (SRW)
- Shrimp, IgE (SHRI)
- Sickle Solubility (SICK)
- Silver Birch, IgE (BIR)
- Smooth Muscle Ab Screen (reflex titer if Positive) (SMOAS)
- Sodium (NA)
- Sodium Urine 24 hour (UNA24)
- Sodium Urine Random (UNA1)
- Sodium, Misc Fluid (NAFLD)
- Sodium, WB (NAWB)
- Soluble IL-2R (SIL2R)
- Somatostatin (SOMAT)
- Southern Ohio Allergen Panel (OSOTH)
- Soybean, IgE (SOYB)
- Specific gravity (SPGRU)
- Spotted Fever Group Antibody, IgG and IgM, Serum (SFGP)
- Sputum Culture (SPUT)
- Squash, IgE (SQUA)
- Squid, IgE (SQUD)
- SS-A and SS-B Abs (ENA2)
- Staph Culture (STAPH)
- State Metabolic Screen (NBSCN)
- Stemphylium, IgE (STEM)
- Strawberry, IgE (STBY)
- Strep Culture (STREP)
- Streptococcus pneumoniae IgG Ab, 23 serotypes (SPIGG)
- Sub-Telomere Analysis by DNA FISH
- Succinyladenosine, CSF (SACSF)
- Sunflower Seed, IgE (SUNF)
- Sweat Chloride (SWEAT)
- Sweet Gum, IgE (SGUM)
- Sweet Potatoe, IgE (SPOT)
- Sweet Vernal Grass, IgE (VERG)
- Syphilis IgG EIA, S (NSYPH)
- T Cell Subset (TCELL)
- T3 Total (T3TOT)
- T3(Triiodothyronin), Reverse, Serum (RT3)
- T4 Thyroxine Total Only, Serum (T4TOT)
- T4, Free (T4FR)
- Targeted Opioid Screen Urine (TOSUR)
- Testosterone, Free (TESFR)
- Testosterone, Total (TESTO)
- Tetanus Toxoid IgG Abs (TETTX)
- Theophylline (THEO)
- Thiopurine Methyltransferase (TPMT) and Nudix Hydrolase (NUDT15) Genotyping (TPNUV)
- Thrombin Platelet Aggregation (THRMB)
- Thrombin Time (TT2)
- Thyroglobulin (THYGL)
- Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin (TSI)
- Thyroxine Binding Globulin (TBG)
- Tilapia, IgE (FTIL)
- Timothy Grass, IgE (TIMG)
- Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) IgA (TRGLA)
- Tobramycin (TOBRA)
- Tomato, IgE (TOMA)
- Topiramate (TOPIR)
- Total Protein Urine 24 hr (UTP24)
- Total Protein Urine Random (UTPR)
- Total Protein, Pleural Fluid (TPPL)
- Toxocara Ab, IgG, Serum (TOXCA)
- Toxoplasma IGG & IGM (Prenatal Screen) (TSLPN)
- Toxoplasma IgG Ab (TOXG)
- Toxoplasma IgM Ab (TOXM)
- Toxoplasma PCR, Palo Alto (TOPCR)
- Toxoplasma Pregnancy Panel with Avidity (TXAVI)
- Tracheal Aspirate Culture (TRACH)
- Transferrin (TRNFN)
- Transglutaminase IgG (TRGLG)
- Transplant Monitor (CD3PR)
- Trichinella IgG Ab (TRICG)
- Trichoderma viride, IgE (TRM)
- Trichomonas Antigen (TRICS)
- Trichophyton rubrum, IgE (TCPT)
- Triglyceride (TRIG)
- Triglycerides, Pleural Fluid (TRGPL)
- Trisomy Analysis (Chromosome 13, 18, 21) by DNA FISH
- Troponin T (5th generation) (TRPNT)
- Trout, IgE (TROT)
- Tryptase (TRYPT)
- TSH Receptor Antibody (TSHRA)
- TSH with reflex T4FR (TSHR)
- Tumor Necrosis Factor (TUMNF)
- Tuna, IgE (TUNA)
- Turkey, IgE (TURK)
- Type and Screen (T/S)
- Ultra-sensitive CRP (USCRP)
- Unfractionated Heparin (UFHEP)
- Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
- Urea Nitrogen Urine 24 hr (UUN24)
- Urea Nitrogen Urine Random (UUNR)
- Uric Acid (URICA)
- Uric Acid, 24 Hour Urine (UAC24)
- Uric Acid, Random Urine (UACUR)
- Urinalysis, Chemistries (UACHE)
- Urinalysis, Complete (UACOM)
- Urinalysis, Microscopic (UAMIC)
- Urine Culture (URINE)
- Urine Lead 24 HR (ULEAD)
- Valproic Acid (VALPA)
- Valproic Acid, Free (VPAFR)
- Vancomycin (VANCO)
- Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV), Qualitative PCR (LAB3003)
- Varicella-Zoster Antibody, IgG (LAB1771)
- Venoms Allergen Profile (INSEC)
- Vibrio Culture (VIBRO)
- Vitamin A (VITA)
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) (VITB1)
- Vitamin B12 (VIT12)
- Vitamin B6 (VITB6)
- Vitamin C (VITC)
- Vitamin D 1,25 Dihydroxy (VD125)
- Vitamin D 25 OH (V25DH)
- Vitamin E (VITE)
- Vitamin K (VITMK)
- VMA & HVA, Random Urine (VMHVA)
- von Willebrand Antigen (VWFAG)
- von Willebrand Factor Multimer (VWFM)
- VRE Culture (VRE)
- VWF GP1bM Activity (GP1BM)
- VZV IgM Ab (Mayo) (VZMAB)
- Wall Eyed Pike, IgE (FWAL)
- Walnut, IgE (WALN)
- Walnut-Food, IgE (BLW)
- Wasp Venom, IgE (WSPV)
- Watermelon, IgE (WMEL)
- West Nile Virus CSF IgG & IgM (WNVC)
- West Nile Virus Panel (WNILE)
- West Nile Virus PCR, CSF (WNVPR)
- Wheat, IgE (WHT)
- Whey, IgE (WHEY)
- White Ash, IgE (ASHW)
- White Bean, IgE (BENW)
- White Blood Cell Count (WBC)
- White Faced Hornet Venom, IgE (WFHV)
- White Hickory, IgE (WHIC)
- White Pine, IgE (WPIN)
- White Potato, IgE (POTA)
- Willow, IgE (WILL)
- Wound Culture (WOUND)
- Y Microdeletion (YDELT)
- Yellow Faced Hornet, IgE (YFHV)
- Yellow Jacket Venom, IgE (YJV)
- Yersinia Culture (YERSN)
- Zinc (ZINC)
- Zinc Protoporphyrins (ZPP)
- Zinc Transporter 8 (ZnT8) Antibody, Serum (EZNT8)
- Zonisamide (ZONIS)
Centralized Core Laboratory
Alk Phos, Heat Fractionated
Alkaline Phosphatase
Amylase, Pleural Fluid
Basic Metabolic Panel
Bilirubin, Conjugated
Bilirubin, Total
BUN, Peritoneal Dialysate
C-Reactive Protein
Calcium Urine, 24 hr
Calcium Urine, Random
Calcium, Ionized WB
Carbon Dioxide
Chloride Urine 24 hr
Chloride Urine, Random
Chloride, Misc Fluid
Chloride, WB
Co-oximetry Panel
Comp Metabolic Panel
Cortisol, plasma
Creatine Kinase
Creatinine Clearance 12 hr
Creatinine Clearance 24 hr
Creatinine Urine 24 hr
Creatinine Urine, Random
Creatinine, Peritoneal Dialysate
Drugs of Abuse Screen, Urine Akron
ED Stat Panel
Electrolyte Panel
Electrolytes Urine 24 hr
Electrolytes Urine, Random
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
Follicle Stimulating Hormone
Gases, Arterial
Gases, Blood Post-Oxygenator
Gases, Blood Pre-Oxygenator
Gases, Capillary
Gases, Venous
Gestational 3HR Challenge
Glucose by Meter
Glucose CSF
Glucose Peritoneal Dialysate
Glucose Protein CSF
Glucose, 2HR Challenge
Glucose, Pleural Fluid
Glucose, WB
Growth Hormone
HCG, Serum
HDL Cholesterol
Hemoglobin A1c
Hepatic Panel
Hepatitis A IgM Antibody
Hepatitis Acute Panel
Hepatitis B Core IgM Antibody
Hepatitis B Surface Ab
Hepatitis B Surface Ag
Hepatitis C Ab with Reflex to PCR
HIV 1 and 2 Ag and Ab Screen
HIV-1 Antibody, Rapid
IGF Binding Protein 3
Immunoglobulin A
Immunoglobulin E
Immunoglobulin G
Immunoglobulin M
Lactate Dehydrogenase
Lactate, WB
Lactic Acid
Lactic Acid, CSF
Lipase Pleural Fluid
Lipid Panel
Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
N-terminal pro B-type Natriuretic Peptide
Occult Bld, Gastric
Occult Blood, Qual
Parathyroid Hormone (Intact)
pH, Stool
Potassium Urine 24 hr
Potassium Urine Random
Potassium, Misc Fluid
Potassium, WB
Protein, CSF
Protein, Misc. fluid
Protein, Total
Renal Panel
Sodium Urine 24 hour
Sodium Urine Random
Sodium, Misc Fluid
Sodium, WB
T3 Total
T4, Free
Total Protein Urine 24 hr
Total Protein Urine Random
Total Protein, Pleural Fluid
Trichomonas Antigen
Triglycerides, Pleural Fluid
Troponin T (5th generation)
TSH with reflex T4FR
Urea Nitrogen
Urea Nitrogen Urine 24 hr
Urea Nitrogen Urine Random
Uric Acid
Valproic Acid
Vitamin B12
Vitamin D 25 OH
ADP Platelet Aggregation
Anti-Thrombin III Activity
Anti-Xa for Low Molecular Weight Heparin
Arachadonic Acid Platelet Aggregation
Blood Smear Review
Body Fluid Cell Count and Differential, Automated
Bone Marrow
Collagen Binding VWF
Collagen Platelet Aggregation
Complete Blood Count with Differential (CBC WITH DIFF))
Complete Blood Count without Differential
Cytospin Preparation
D-Dimer Quantitative
Epinephrine Platelet Aggregation
Factor IX Assay
Factor VIII Assay
Factor XIII Screen
Hemoglobin and Hematocrit
Malaria Parasite Exam
Partial Thromboplastin Time
Plasma Hemoglobin
Platelet Aggregation Profile
Platelet Count
Platelet Function Test
Prothrombin Time
Prothrombin Time & Activated PTT
PT by Monitor
Reticulocyte Count, Automated
Ristocetin Platelet Aggregation
Sickle Solubility
Thrombin Platelet Aggregation
Unfractionated Heparin
von Willebrand Antigen
VWF GP1bM Activity
White Blood Cell Count
17 Hydroxypregnenolone
21-Hydroxylase Ab, S
3 Methylglutaconic Acid, Blood
Acacia, IgE
Acetoacetate, Serum
Acetylcholine Rec/Bin Ab
Acid Fast Culture
Acid Phosphatase, Total
Acylglycine, Urine
Adalimumab Quantitative with Reflex to Antibody, Serum
ADAMTS13 Activity and Inhibitor Profile
Adenovirus PCR, Quantitative (non-blood specimens)
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
AFP, Amniotic Fluid
Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes
Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis Panel II
Almond, IgE
Alpha -1-Antitrypsin, Stool (Mayo)
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Phenotype
Alpha-Fetoprotein, Serum (Tumor Marker)
Alpha-Galactosidase, Leukocytes
ALPS Panel by Flow Cytometry
Alternaria tenuis, IgE
Aluminum, Serum
Amino Acids QN Random Urine
Amino Acids, QN, CSF
Aminolevulinic Acid, U
Amoxicillin, IgE
Amphetamine Screen, Urine
Angiotensin-1-Converting Enzyme
Anti-DNase B Titer
Anti-Enterocyte Antibodies
Anti-nDNA Ab
Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody
Anti-Smith (Sm) Antibody IgG
Anti-thyroid Ab Profile
Antimullerian Hormone
Apple, IgE
Arbovirus Ab Panel (IgG and IgM)
Arsenic, Blood
Arylsulfatase A, Leukocytes
Aspergillus fumigatas, IgE
Aspergillus galactomannan Antigen
Aspergillus niger, IgE
Aureobasidium pullulans, IgE
Australian Pine, IgE
Avocado, IgE
B-Glucosidase, Leukocytes
Bahia Grass, IgE
Baker's Yeast, IgE
Banana, IgE
Barley, IgE
Bartonella Henselae Abs
Bartonella PCR, Blood
BCR/ABL, mRNA Detection
BCR/ABL1, p210, Quant, Monitor
Bean Lima, IgE
Beech, IgE
Beef, IgE
Bermuda Grass, IgE
Beta 2 Glycoprotein Abs
Beta Galactosidase, Leukocytes
Beta-lactoglobulin, IgE
Bile Acids, Fractionated
Biotinidase, Serum
Black/White Pepper, IgE
Blue Mussel, IgE
Blueberry, IgE
Bordetella Pertussis Ab, IgG
Box Elder Maple, IgE
Brazil Nut, IgE
Broad Range Microbiology PCR
Broccoli, IgE
Buckwheat, IgE
Buprenorphine Screen, Urine
C Peptide
C. albicans, IgE
C1 Esterase Inhibitor Antigen
C1 Esterase Inhibitor Functional
Cacao/Cocoa, IgE
CAH 6 Pediatric Profile
Calculus Analysis
Cancer Antigen 125
Carbamazepine, Epoxide
Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin
Carcinoembryonic Antigen
Cardiolipin ABS
Carnitine, Urine
Carrot, IgE
Casein, IgE
Cashew, IgE
Cat Epithelium, IgE
Catecholamine Fractionation, Free, Plasma
Catecholamine Fractioned Free Urine
Catfish, IgE
CCP Antibody, IgG
CD-4 Profile
CD34 Monitor
Celery, IgE
Celiac HLA-DQ Typing
Cephalosporium, IgE
Cheese, Cheddar, IgE
Cheese, Mold, IgE
Cherry, IgE
Chestnut, Sweet, IgE
Chick Pea, IgE
Chicken Feathers, IgE
Chicken, IgE
Chili Pepper, IgE
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoeae Amplified RNA
Chloride, CSF
Chlorpromazine, Serum
Chromium, 24 hour Urine
Chromium, Blood
Chromogranin A
Cinnamon, IgE
Circulating Anticoagulant Inhibitor
Citrate Excretion, Peds, Random, U
Citric Acid, Urine 24 Hr
CK Isoenzymes
CKMB (Total CK and %CKMB)
Cladosporium, IgE
Clam, IgE
Clobazam and metabolite, S
CMV IgG Avidity
Cocklebur, IgE
Cockroach, IgE
Coconut, IgE
Codfish, IgE
Coenzyme Q10 Reduced and Total Plasma
Cold Agglutinin Titer
Coma Panel
Complement AH50
Complement, Total
Comprehensive Nut Allergen Panel
Copeptin, plasma
Copper Urine, 24hr
Copper Urine, Random
Corn-Food, IgE
Cortisol Free, 24 HR, U
Cortisol, Saliva
Cortisol,Free, Random,Urine
Cottonwood, IgE
Cow Epithelium, IgE
Crab, IgE
Crayfish, IgE
Creatine Disorders Panel, Urine
CU Index
Cucumber, IgE
Curvularia lunata, IgE
Cystatin C
Cystine, Pl Univ of California
Cystine, Urine Quant
Cystinuria Profile, QN, Random
Dandelion, IgE
DHEA Sulfate
DHR Flow Cytometric Test, Blood
Diazepam and Nordiazepam
Dilantin, Free and Total
Dill, IgE
Dilute RVVT Screen Ratio with Reflex
Diphtheria Toxoid IgG Ab
Diphtheria/Tetanus Toxoid IgG Ab
Disaccharidase Activity Panel, Ts
Dog Dander, IgE
Drugs of Abuse, Meconium and Confirmation Tests
Duck Feathers, IgE
Eastern Sycamore, IgE
Egg White, IgE
Egg Yolk, IgE
Eggplant, IgE
Elm, IgE
Endomysial IgA Ab
English Plantain, IgE
Enterovirus PCR, Other
Enterovirus PCR, Plasma
Eosinophil Count, Nasal
Eosinophil Count, Urine
Epicoccum purpurascens, IgE
Estrogens, Fractionated, Serum
Ethosuximide (Mayo)
Everolimus, Blood
Factor II Activity Assay
Factor V Activity Assay
Factor VII Assay
Factor XI Activity Assay
Factor XII Activity Assay
False Ragweed, IgE
Fat, Feces (Qualitative and Quantitative)
Fatty Acid Profile Peroxismal
Feather Panel #2, IgE
Fetal Fibronectin (SUMMA)
Fibroblast Culture-Mayo Clinic Sendout
Firebush (Kochia), IgE
Flunitrazepam, Screen Urine
Free Fatty Acids, Total, Serum
Fungitell, serum
Fusarium monilforme, IgE
GAD 65 Autoantibodies
Gal-1-Phos Uridyltransferase Phenotype, RBC
Galactokinase, Blood
Galactose 1 Phosphate Uridyltransferase, RBC
Galactose 1 Phosphate, RBC
Galactosylceramide Beta Galactosidase, WBC
Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid, Serum
Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid, Urine
Garlic, IgE
Gelatin, IgE
Giant Ragweed, IgE
Gliadin Deamidated Abs
Glomerular Basement Membrane IgG Ab
Glucose Phosphate Isomerase, B
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase, Quant
Gluten, IgE
Goldenrod, IgE
Goose Feathers, IgE
Grape, IgE
Green Coffee Bean, IgE
Green Pea, IgE
Green Pepper, IgE
Green String Bean, IgE
Group A Streptococcal Abs
Growth Differentiation Factor 15, P
Growth Hormone Ab
Guinea Pig Epithelium, IgE
Haemophilus influenza type B Ab
Halibut, IgE
Hamster, IgE
Hazelnut Tree, IgE
Hazelnut, IgE
Heavy Metal Creatinine Ratio, Urine, Random with Reflex
Helminthosporium halodes, IgE
Hepatitis B Viral DNA, Ultra Quant
Hepatitis Be Antigen
Hepatitis C Quant RNA by PCR
Hepatitis C Virus Genotype
Hereditary Hemochromatosis DNA Test
Hexosaminidase A & Total, Serum
Histamine Plasma
Histoplasma Abs
HIV-1 Genotype
HIV-1 RNA Detection and Quantification, Plasma
Homocysteine, Total Plasma
Homocysteine, Urine
Homovanillic Acid, Urine
Honeybee Venom, IgE
Horse Dander, IgE
Horsefly/Stablefly, IgE
House Dust mites/D. farinae, IgE
House Dust Mites/D. pteronyssinus, IgE
House Dust/Greer Lab, IgE
House Dust/H-S Lab
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, Quant
ICA 512 Antibodies
IGF Binding Protein 1
IgG Subclasses
IgG Synthesis and Index
Immunoelectrophoresis, Urine
Infliximab QN with Reflex to Ab
Inhalant 24 Allergen Panel
Inhibin B
Insulin Antibodies
Interleukin 1b
Iodine, Urine 24 Hr
Isopropanol, Urine
Japanese Cedar, IgE
Johnson Grass, IgE
June Grass, IgE
Kidney Bean (Red), IgE
Kiwi Fruit, IgE
Lacosamide, Serum
Lamb's Quarter, IgE
Lamb, IgE
Latex, IgE
LD, Isoenzymes
LDL Cholesterol (Beta-Quant), S
Legionella Ag, Urine
Legionella Cult.
Lentil, IgE
Leptospira Ab, IgM
Lettuce, IgE
Leukemia Surface Markers
Lipoprotein (a)
Lipoprotein Electrophoresis
Liver - Kidney Microsome (Mayo)
Lobster, IgE
Lyme Disease PCR
Lyme Disease Serology
Lyme Disease, Western Blot (Mayo)
Lymphocyte Profile
Lymphocyte Proliferation, Mitogens
Macadamia Nut, IgE
Malt, IgE
Manganese, Serum
Mango, IgE
Meadow Fescue, IgE
Medical Neurogenetics Misc. Sendout
Melaleuca leucadendron, IgE
Melons, IgE
Metanephrines, Fractionated, Urine
Methylmalonic Acid, QN Serum
Methylmalonic Acid, QN Urine
Milk, IgE
Mini Rast Allergen Profile
Mold IV Allergen Panel
Mosquito Species, IgE
Mountain Cedar, IgE
Mouse Epithelium, IgE
Mouse Serum Protein, IgE
Mouse Urine Protein, IgE
Mucopolysaccharide QN, Random Urine
Mucor racemosus, IgE
Mugwort, IgE
Mulberry, IgE
Mumps IgM Ab
Mushroom, IgE
Mustard, IgE
Mycophenolic Acid
Mycoplasma pneumoniae Abs IgG and IgM
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG Ab
Myelin Basic Protein CSF
NATP Workup
Natural Killer (NK)/Natural Killer (NK Function)
Nettle, IgE
Neuron-Specific Enolase
Neurotransmitter Profile, CSF
Neutrophil Antibody
Non-Seasonal Inhalant Allergen Profile
Northeast Regional Allergen Profile
Oak, IgE
Oat, IgE
Ohio Grasses Allergen Panel
Ohio Trees Allergen Panel
Oligoclonal Banding
Oligosaccharide Screen, Urine
Onion, IgE
Orange, IgE
Orchard Grass, IgE
Organic Acids Screen, Urine
Orotic Acid, Urine
Osmotic Fragility, RBC
Ova and Parasite Special Exam
Oxalate, Pediatric, Random, U
Oxalate, Plasma
Oxalate, Urine 24 Hr
Oyster, IgE
Pancreatic Elastase Panel
Paprika, IgE
Parsley, IgE
Parvovirus B19 IgG & IgM Ab
Passion Fruit, IgE
Peach, IgE
Peanut Component Reflex, S
Peanut, IgE
Pear, IgE
Pecan, IgE
Penicillin G, IgE
Penicillin V, IgE
Penicillium chrysogenum, IgE
Pepper Cayenne, IgE
Phoma betae, IgE
Phosphorous, Ur 24 Hr
Phosphorous, Ur Random
Pigeon Droppings, IgE
Pine Nut, IgE
Pineapple, IgE
Pipecolic Acid
Pistachio, IgE
Plasma Renin Activity
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor
Plasminogen Activity
Platelet Antibody
Plum, IgE
PNH, PI-Linked Antigen, Blood
Poliovirus Immune Status
Pork, IgE
Porphobilinogen, Quantitative Urine
Porphyrins, Quant Random Urine
Porphyrins, Quantitative Urine
Porphyrins, Stool
Privet Tree, IgE
Prostate Specific Antigen
Protein C Activity
Protein C Antigen
Protein Electrophoresis, 24 hr., Urine
Protein Electrophoresis, Serum
Protein S Activity
Protein S Antigen, Plasma
Pyridoxal 5-phosphate, CSF
Pyruvate Kinase
Pyruvic Acid, Blood
Pyruvic Acid, CSF
Quantiferon-TB Gold
Rabbit Epithelium, IgE
Raspberry, IgE
Red Sorrel, IgE
Red Top, IgE
Respiratory 28 Allergen Panel
Rheumatoid Factor IgM
Rhizopus nigricans, IgE
Rice, IgE
RNP Antibody
Rough Marsh Elder, IgE
Rough Pigweed, IgE
Rubeola IgM Ab
Rufinamide, Serum
Russian Thistle, IgE
Rye Grass, IgE
Rye, IgE
Salmon, IgE
SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid, Total Ab, Serum
Scallop, IgE
Scleroderma-70 Ab
Seasonal Inhalants Allergen Profile
Selenium, Serum
Sequential Screen, First Trimester
Sequential Screen, Second Trimester
Sesame Seed, IgE
Sheep Wool, IgE
Short Ragweed, IgE
Shrimp, IgE
Silver Birch, IgE
Smooth Muscle Ab Screen (reflex titer if Positive)
Soluble IL-2R
Southern Ohio Allergen Panel
Soybean, IgE
Spotted Fever Group Antibody, IgG and IgM, Serum
Squash, IgE
Squid, IgE
SS-A and SS-B Abs
State Metabolic Screen
Stemphylium, IgE
Strawberry, IgE
Streptococcus pneumoniae IgG Ab, 23 serotypes
Succinyladenosine, CSF
Sunflower Seed, IgE
Sweet Gum, IgE
Sweet Potatoe, IgE
Sweet Vernal Grass, IgE
Syphilis IgG EIA, S
T Cell Subset
T3(Triiodothyronin), Reverse, Serum
T4 Thyroxine Total Only, Serum
Targeted Opioid Screen, Urine
Testosterone, Free
Tetanus Toxoid IgG Abs
Thiopurine Methyltransferase (TPMT) and Nudix Hydrolase (NUDT15) Genotyping
Thrombin Time
Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin
Thyroxine Binding Globulin
Tilapia, IgE
Timothy Grass, IgE
Tomato, IgE
Toxocara Ab, IgG, Serum
Toxoplasma IGG & IGM (Prenatal Screen)
Toxoplasma IgG Ab
Toxoplasma IgM Ab
Toxoplasma PCR, Palo Alto
Toxoplasma Pregnancy Panel with Avidity
Transglutaminase IgG
Transplant Monitor
Trichoderma viride, IgE
Trichophyton rubrum, IgE
Trout, IgE
TSH Receptor Antibody
Tumor Necrosis Factor
Tuna, IgE
Turkey, IgE
Ultra-sensitive CRP
Uric Acid, 24 Hour Urine
Uric Acid, Random Urine
Urine Lead 24 HR
Valproic Acid, Free
Venoms Allergen Profile
Vitamin A
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
Vitamin B6
Vitamin C
Vitamin D 1,25 Dihydroxy
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
VMA & HVA, Random Urine
von Willebrand Factor Multimer
VZV IgM Ab (Mayo)
Wall Eyed Pike, IgE
Walnut, IgE
Walnut-Food, IgE
Wasp Venom, IgE
Watermelon, IgE
West Nile Virus CSF IgG & IgM
West Nile Virus Panel
West Nile Virus PCR, CSF
Wheat, IgE
Whey, IgE
White Ash, IgE
White Bean, IgE
White Faced Hornet Venom, IgE
White Hickory, IgE
White Pine, IgE
White Potato, IgE
Willow, IgE
Y Microdeletion
Yellow Faced Hornet, IgE
Yellow Jacket Venom, IgE
Zinc Protoporphyrins
Zinc Transporter 8 (ZnT8) Antibody, Serum
Cytogenetics Laboratory
Cancer Probe by DNA FISH
Chromosome Analysis, Blood
Chromosome Analysis, Bone Marrow, Neoplastic Disorder
Chromosome Analysis, Fetal
Chromosome Analysis, Tissue
Chromosome Analysis, Tumor
Cytogenomic Microarray Analysis of Postnatal Blood
DNA Extraction & Hold
Microdeletion Analysis by DNA FISH
Sub-Telomere Analysis by DNA FISH
Trisomy Analysis (Chromosome 13, 18, 21) by DNA FISH
Infectious Disease Laboratories
Aeromonas Culture
Anaerobe Culture
Blood Culture
Campylobacter Only Culture
CSF Culture
E. coli 0157 Culture
Enteric Culture
Environment Culture
Fecal Lactoferrin
Fecal Leukocyte Stain
Fung Cult-Skin, Nail, Hair
Fungal Culture
Gastro-Intestinal (GI) Panel Film Array
GC Culture
Genital Culture
Giardia and Cryptosporidium Screen
Gram Stain
Gram Stain Vaginal
Group A Strep Antigen
Group B Strep Culture
Helicobacter Culture
Helicobacter pylori Ag
KOH Preparation
Parasite ID, Macroscopic
Pinworm Prep
Plesiomonas Culture
Quantitative Culture
Respiratory Culture
Rotavirus Ag
Salmonella Culture
Shigella Culture
Sputum Culture
Staph Culture
Strep Culture
Tracheal Aspirate Culture
Urine Culture
Vibrio Culture
VRE Culture
Wound Culture
Yersinia Culture
Metabolic Laboratory
Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory
Adenovirus, Quantitative PCR
Angelman Syndrome and Prader-Willi Syndrome, DNA
BK Virus, Qualitative PCR
BK Virus, Quantitative PCR
BK Virus, Reflex to Quantitative PCR
Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Qualitative PCR
Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Qualitative PCR - Neonatal Scree
Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Quantitative PCR
Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Reflex to Quantitative PCR
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Qualitative PCR
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Reflex to Quantitative PCR
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). Quantitative PCR
Factor II Prothrombin 20210G>A, DNA Assay
Factor V Leiden and Factor II Prothrombin Panel, DNA As
Factor V Leiden, DNA Assay
Factor XIII V34L, DNA Assay
Fragile X Syndrome (FMR1), DNA Assay
Full Thrombophilia Panel, DNA Assay
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Type 1 and 2, Qualitative PC
HLA-B27, DNA Assay
Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Qualitative PCR
Parvovirus B-19, Qualitative PCR
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), DNA Assay
Post-Transplant Engraftment (Chimerism), DNA Assay
Pre-Transplant Engraftment (Chimerism), DNA Assay
Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV), Qualitative PCR
Send Out
Send out
Send outs
Brucella Abs IgG, IgM
C1Q Binding Assay
Centromere Ab
Chlamydia pneumoniae IgG, IgM, IgA Abs.
Chlamydia psittaci Abs
Coccidiodes Abs
Echinococcus Abs
Entamoeba histolytica, IgG
Hepatitis D Antibody
Histone IgG Antibody
Human Anti-Mouse IgG Abs
Hypersens. pneumonitis Panel
IBD sgi Diagnostic
Inner Ear 68KD Antibody
Jo 1 Antibody
Trichinella IgG Ab