Myelo Clinic
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We provide comprehensive care for children and teens with neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, tethered cord and caudal regression syndromes. Through our collaborative team approach, we are committed to making a difference for every child in our care and giving him or her the best quality of life possible.
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Department: 330-543-8050
About Myelo Clinic
Children with spina bifida will face complex medical issues at every stage of their life, often involving multiple body systems such as the central nervous system, musculoskeletal system, urinary and intestinal systems.
We will be here for you every step of the way to help you make informed decisions about advanced surgical treatments, ongoing therapies, daily challenges and the transition to adulthood.
Our team includes board certified specialists in developmental and behavioral pediatrics, neurosurgery, physiatry, orthopedics, urology and gastroenterology, as well as specialists in physical and occupational therapy and nutrition services.
NeuroDevelopmental Science Center
Akron Children's NeuroDevelopmental Science Center, AkronConsidine Professional Building
215 West Bowery Street
Level 4
Akron, Ohio 44308
Fax: 330-543-8054
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Appointments: 330-543-2778
Department: 330-543-8050
Daniel Smith, MD
Director, Myelomeningocele Clinic; Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrician; Division leader, Quality Improvement Initiative
Micah Baird, MD
Director, Division of Pediatric Physiatry; Medical Director, Rehabilitation; Pediatric Physiatrist
Christine Carter-Kent, MD
Interim Medical Director, Healthy Active Living Program, Pediatric Gastroenterologist
Tsulee Chen, MD
Chair, Department of Surgery; Director, Pediatric Neurosurgery; Bruce F. Rothmann, M.D. Endowed Chair in Pediatric Surgery; Pediatric Neurosurgeon
Kerwyn Jones, MD
Medical Staff President; Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon; Sports Medicine Physician; Department Quality Officer
Christopher Najarian, MD
Pediatric Physiatrist; Director, Spasticity Clinic
Conditions and Treatments:
Spina bifida, myelomeningocele, meningocele, myelocystocele, lipomyelomeningocele, sacral agenesis, caudal regression, VATER syndrome, diastematomyelia, spinal cord injuries