Addiction Services Program

The Addiction Services Program at Akron Children’s provides evidenced-based treatment services for adolescents with substance use disorders up to age 18. This includes medication-assisted treatment for withdrawal management and ongoing maintenance along with urine drug screening, individual and family counseling, and an Intensive Outpatient treatment program.
Learn more...Department: 330-543-5015
About Addiction Services Program
We are in a unique position to work with youth of all ages. Our primary care and school health programs provide us with access and opportunities to educate children about the risks associated with substance misuse and substance use disorders. At the same time, we recognize that education of parents to protect children from prescriptions in the home is equally important. As health care providers, we also have the responsibility to have guidelines in place to prevent overprescribing as well as policies to protect and help our own employees.
Akron Children’s also collaborates with the Northeast Ohio community to address overwhelming addiction concerns through education, prevention, screening, care coordination, assessment, treatment, community outreach and referral. Substance use disorder affects people of all different ages from all different backgrounds – from the infant who is born in withdrawal as a result of a mother’s substance use, to the adolescent who experiments with marijuana or alcohol or becomes dependent on prescription pain medicine.
Addiction Services
Akron Children's Addiction Services ProgramConsidine Professional Building
215 West Bowery Street
Level 2
Akron, Ohio 44308
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Appointments: 330-543-5015
Laura Markley, MD
Medical Director, Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry; Medical Director, Addiction Services; President-Elect, Medical Staff; Community Pediatrics Liaison; Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist; General Pediatrician - Adolescent Medicine
Talia Brown, MA, LPCC-S, LICDC-CS
Clinical Operations Supervisor, Addiction Services & Outpatient Therapy, Central Region
National Institute on Drug Abuse/The Adolescent Brain
Power To The Parent
Summit County Alcohol Drug and Mental Health Board
Relink - Provider Connections
Community Health Center Adolescent Treatment
CommQuest Recovery Counseling
LCADA Wellness and Recovery Way