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Akron Children's > For Families & Patients > Our Services > Family Supports > Parent Mentor Program > Find a Parent Mentor > Find a Parent Mentor

Meet Kelly R., Parent Mentor at Akron Children's

Kelly R.

Kelly's Story

My husband and I started our married life excited and eager to start a family. Within months, we were expecting our first child. The pregnancy went by without any difficulties. At 35 weeks, my water broke and we were admitted to the hospital. As labor progressed, I suddenly began bleeding profusely. Within minutes, I was rushed into an emergency C-section and our son Derek was born. As the result of a lack of oxygen at birth, he was put on a respirator and placed in the NICU at Akron Children's. We found out the bleeding was caused by placental abruption.

It was hard being at Akron General Medical Center when your newborn son was at Akron Children's. Parent mentors at Akron Children's were very helpful to me during this rough time. The March of Dimes was there to offer great support. My middle son Daniel was born at 37 weeks via C-section and was able to come home with me. My youngest son Patrick was born at 34 weeks and also had to be on a respirator and had to stay at Akron Children's NICU.

I thank God everyday for the great nurses and doctors at the hospital who saved two of my children's lives. I also thank God for the many volunteers who offered support in various ways with tips on pumping, breastfeeding and bathing. I also received emotional and spiritual help, as well as help transitioning from NICU to home. I hope that I can give the same comfort that I received to another parent who may be struggling.

2 Corinthians 1:2-5  - Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. {3} Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, {4} who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. {5} For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.

Kelly is a parent mentor for these conditions: Asperger Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Kelly is a mentor for these care services: Autism, Mental Health, NICU

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Kelly R. is a parent mentor for these conditions: Asperger Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder . Kelly R. is a parent mentor for these care services: Autism, Mental Health, NICU .

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