Teen Safe Driving & SIDNE
Learn about driving laws, driving risks and tips for parents. And, take our Teen Driving Pledge through the Goodyear Safe Mobility Project.

Simulated Impaired Driving Experience SIDNE/Teen Safe Driving Program
The Safe Mobility Project is pleased to offer SIDNE, a go-cart teaching tool that delivers impaired and distracted driving experiences. SIDNE demonstrates the impact of alcohol, marijuana, drowsiness, and distractions on a person's driving abilities.
Participants feel the simulated impact of impairment on their ability to drive. They also experience riding in a vehicle when the driver's ability to operate the vehicle is impaired.
The Safe Mobility Program also offers Teen Safe Driving Program (TSDP), a multifaceted program that can be offered in varying settings. The program includes the following activities:
PowerPoint presentation
An interactive learning experience
Anonymous student reporting about dangerous experience in the cars they are riding in
Virtual Reality (VR) distracted driving headsets
If you are interested in having SIDNE or the Teen Safe Driving Program at your school event, contact Erica Dovin at edovin@akronchildrens.org or 330-543-8942. All inquiries/requests will be evaluated to determine eligibility. All inquiries/requests will be evaluated to determine eligibility.