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Akron Children's > For Students or Residents > Medical Students > Electives & Sub-Internships > Surgery Elective

Pediatric Surgery Elective

    We offer a 4-week surgical subspecialty elective in pediatric surgery to 4th year medical students. This elective will help you gain a greater understanding of the current concepts of pediatric surgery as related to normal pediatric growth and development, pathophysiology, pediatric evaluation and assessment, diagnosis and clinical management, and rehabilitation of common pediatric surgical diseases.


    • Develop a greater understanding of the embryology, diagnosis, preoperative evaluation and management of common congenital anomalies
    • Become familiar with the evaluation and management of common surgical problems in the pediatric population
    • Develop a beginning understanding of the basis of fluid and electrolyte management in the pediatric patient, including appropriate fluid volumes, gastrointestinal replacements and blood volumes
    • Develop a greater understanding of the basics of enteral and parenteral nutritional management in pediatric and neonatal populations
    • Participate in common pediatric surgeries including appendicitis, hernias and pyloric stenosis
    • Advance personal knowledge of pediatric surgical care in a variety of settings including examination of sick and well children, preoperative preparation, surgical intervention, recovery phase stabilization, discharge education and follow-up patient management
    • Advance knowledge of common pharmacotherapeutics used in the pediatric surgical population
    • Develop a greater understanding of the ethical implications involved with surgical intervention on patients, families, physicians and healthcare workers
    • Actively participate in educational opportunities at the weekly burn, surgery and trauma Conferences
    • Prepare for the operating room experience by familiarizing yourself with a basic understanding of the operative procedure and principles of surgery


    • Observe private office patient care and operative cases
    • Participate in inpatient rounds, attend conferences and lectures
    • Observe ED and trauma patients
    • Evaluate admissions and consults
    • Typical daily schedule: 6 a.m. – 5 p.m. (Monday – Friday)
    • Night call/special requirements: 3 in-house night calls
    Pittinger, Timothy MD
    Timothy Pittinger, MD, Elective Director


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