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Akron Children's > For Students or Residents > Medical Students > Medical Student Rotations Overview

Medical Student Rotations Overview

Welcome, Medical Students

Akron Children's offers 4th year rotations in a variety of specialty areas including medical and surgical. We believe we can be a key part of your educational experience, whether your future patient care plans include children, adults or both.

An elective in a subspecialty will help you increase your knowledge base as well as further your ability to develop an assessment, a relevant differential diagnosis and an effective management plan for your patient. A more intensive elective, the Sub-Internship, will allow you to manage a variety of patients with a greater degree of independence than you experienced during your core rotation in Pediatrics. A Sub-Internship will increase your skills, knowledge and clinical confidence commensurately.

Electives and Sub-Internships are four weeks in duration (we do not provide one- or two-week rotations) and begin and end on defined dates.  M4 applications are processed exclusively through the AAMC Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO) program.  For more information about VSLO, please visit www.aamc.org/vslo or call (202) 478-9879.  Akron Children’s accepts applicants from students enrolled in a US LCME-accredited or COCA-accredited AACOM member college.  Students must have completed all core (third-year) clerkships prior to the start of any 4th year rotation at Akron Children’s.

Whether you choose an Elective or a Sub-Internship, you will have the opportunity to interact with our residents and faculty, who are committed to both patient care and medical education. In addition to teaching, they can provide guidance as you navigate through the many decisions to be made in your 4th year.

We look forward to receiving your application and working with you.

Knowles, Megan MD

Thank you,

Megan Knowles, MD

Pediatric Co-Clerkship Site Director
Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Northeast Ohio Medical University

Wyatt, Kenneth MD

Kenneth Wyatt, DO

Pediatric Co-Clerkship Site Director
Clinical Experiential Director
Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Northeast Ohio Medical University

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