Interventional Radiology Elective
Akron Children's offers a 4-week pediatric subspecialty elective in interventional radiology to 4th year medical students.
- Explain common Interventional Radiology procedures performed in pediatrics and the associates clinical indications and potential complications
- Understand the role of a pediatric Interventional Radiologist on an inpatient care team and a multidisciplinary outpatient clinical team
- Become familiar with commonly used imaging tools and equipment utilized in Interventional Radiology.
- Perform basic interpretations of X-Rays, Ultrasound, and CT imaging studies.
- Typical daily schedule would be Monday through Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Students will shadow the pediatric interventional radiologist and nurse practitioner in their daily work activities, including:
- performing minimally invasive procedures in an IR suite
- performing inpatient consults
- rounding on IR patients
- seeing patients in a multidisciplinary outpatient clinic