Sub-Internships and Pediatric Subspecialty Electives
- Adolescent Medicine Elective
- Burn Management Elective
- Cardiology Elective
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Elective
- Clinical Genetics Elective
- Critical Care Medicine Elective
- Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Elective
- Emergency Medicine Elective
- Endocrinology Elective
- ENT Elective
- Gastroenterology Elective
- Hematology/Oncology Elective
- Hospital Medicine Elective
- Infectious Disease Elective
- Interventional Radiology Elective
- Neurology Elective
- Neurosurgery Elective
- Nephrology Elective
- Neonatal Intensive Care Elective
- Ophthalmology Elective
- Orthopedics Elective
- Palliative Care Elective
- Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Elective
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Elective
- Plastic Surgery Elective
- Pulmonology Elective
- Diagnostic Radiology Elective
- Rheumatology Elective
- Sports Medicine Elective
- Surgery Elective
- General Pediatrics Sub-Internship
- Apply: Pediatric Subinternship & Subspecialty Electives
Akron Children’s offers rotations in all of the major pediatric subspecialties, subject to availability. We welcome 4th year medical students who are currently enrolled and in good academic standing at an LCME-accredited medical school or participating COCA-accredited AACOM member college. Akron Children's solely uses the Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO) to receive 4th year medical student applications.
Students will be eligible for a maximum of two, four-week electives per student. We have a diverse patient population that comes from a wide geographic region. You will see not only common pediatric conditions but also uncommon and rare ones.
We do not accept visiting students for their Core Clerkship in Pediatrics or specialty rotations in their third year. Our senior electives are designed for students who have already completed one full year of in-hospital clinical training prior to an anticipated elective.
Visiting students must first complete clerkships in medicine, surgery, pediatrics, psychiatry, family medicine, and obstetrics/gynecology prior to applying for a 4th year rotation.
Prospective applicants who have already graduated from medical school are not eligible to participate.