Chaplaincy Services
Our chaplains provide emotional and spiritual support for patients, families and staff of all faiths and cultures. Our chaplains respect your dignity and privacy and do not impose religious beliefs or practices. They are caring listeners. You set the agenda and determine the depth of any conversation you have.
The mission of the Chaplaincy Services Department is to help people to draw on their spiritual resources to move toward hope, healing and wholeness.
In carrying out our mission, the Chaplaincy Services staff pledges:
- To promote holistic care for patients, families and staff
- To advocate for dignity and respect for all
- To increase awareness of the role of spiritual values in patient care by being an essential and integrated part of the care team
Chaplaincy Services is present at Akron Children's to serve the patients, families and staff who spend time in our facilities. Having a child in the hospital can be a traumatic experience for any child and family. Our experienced spiritual care staff is here to offer spiritual guidance and emotional support. This is done by affirming the dignity and worth of every patient, family member and employee. The Chaplaincy Services Program exists in a multi-cultural and religiously diverse institution and respects and advocates the rights of each individual. Witness to the sacred texts is expressed in holistic ministry to the emotional and spiritual needs of all persons serving or being served by Children’s Hospital. Chaplaincy Services staff recognizes and responds to the interrelatedness of the whole person. Through caring presence during significant moments, the dignity of the human person and the sacredness of the gift of human life are affirmed.
Providing spiritual care
We define spiritual care as the service which assists people in making connections to whatever sustains them spiritually (values and beliefs), and to help them find meaning in the experience of crises, whether or not they are part of a particular religion. Where religion is present, spiritual care seeks to help people experience, as fully as possible, the reality of God’s presence and love in their lives.
Our chaplains are available to serve you when you:
- Are anxious about your child’s condition
- Are anticipating surgery
- Receive bad news
- Are facing difficult decisions
- Have a religious question
- Want to pray with someone
- Want to receive a sacrament or other religious rites
- Are struggling with the meaning of illness
- Are grieving a loss
- Are having trouble sorting out feelings
- Are feeling lonely
Our chaplains are available 24 hours a day, and anyone may request a visit from one of them. Call for more information:
Akron campus: call 330-543-8254, or dial 0 for the on-call chaplain 24 hours a day.
Mahoning Valley Campus: call 330-746-8667, or dial 0 for the on-call chaplain 24 hours a day.
Chaplaincy Services offers a variety of pre-recorded religious events for our patients, families and anyone else who would like to view these programs.
The hospital Chaplain is a clinically trained healthcare specialist who provides spiritual care to patients, their families and the hospital staff. Spiritual care is concerned with the needs of the whole person. The Chaplain works as a member of the multidisciplinary team to provide the best possible holistic patient care. Chaplains are concerned primarily with individuals’ emotional and spiritual needs during their hospitalization or healthcare crisis. Primary tasks of spiritual care:
- Help individuals draw on their own spiritual resources to help
- Heal the body
- Promote peace of mind
- Establish emotional stability.
The Chaplain thus provides a dynamic resource for healing and for wholeness by helping to address the individual’s innermost spiritual needs. The Chaplain promotes no religion or faith, but rather is supportive of everyone’s faith pilgrimage. The Chaplain offers the highest degree of confidentiality.
Prayer Requests
Prayer books are located in the Spiritual Care Center and Meditation Room at Akron Campus. Prayers may also be requested by using a prayer line:
Akron campus: 330-543-3446
Mahoning Valley: 330-746-8737
Prayer books, sacred texts, prayer shawls, devotional aids and brochures are available in the chaplains' office and in the sacred spaces. You may call the office at 330-543-8254 to request these materials be brought to you.
- Whole body meditation and prayer.pdf
- Spirituality and Practice website: This multi-faith and inter spiritual website, founded by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat, is devoted to resources for spiritual journeys. The site's name reflects a basic understanding: spirituality and practice are the two places where all the world's religions and spiritual paths come together. While respecting the differences among traditions, we celebrate what they share in common.
- Click here for an index of resources posted each day on the Spirituality & Practice homepage — practices, readings, films, quotes, and more to help you navigate these times.
- is designed for U.S healthcare workers who work in a public space to bring simple, quick meditation practices to you daily (subscription service)
Coping with Anxiety and Stress
- Meditation for Anxiety: 8.5 minute Relaxing Sky Tree Guided Meditation (Chel Hamilton)
- Compassionate Body Scan - 20 Minute Guided Meditation. (Mount Sinai Health System)
- 10 Minute Guided Imagery Meditation. (City of Hope)
- 20 minute Mindfulness meditation: Being Still in the Presence of God. (The Mindful Christian)
Practicing Self-Compassion
- 10-Minute Guided Meditation for Self-Compassion. (Live Sonima)
- 14 Loving Kindness Meditation to Develop Mindfulness and Compassion. (WiseMindBody)
- 11 Guided Meditation: Self-Esteem. (The Honest Guys)
Being Compassionate to Others
- 14 minute Loving Kindness Meditation to Develop Mindfulness and Compassion. (WiseMindBody)
- 7 minute Guided Mindfulness Meditation on Compassion. (Mindful Peace)
Guided Meditation for Kids
- Guided Relaxation Meditation for Children: Your Secret Treehouse (New Horizon)
- Guided Anxiety and Worry Meditation for Children: The Magic Shell (New Horizon)
- Loving Kindness Guided Meditation for Children. (New Horizon)
Labyrinths are tools used by many cultures and religions throughout history. Their purpose is to further those looking to bring more spirituality, emotional, psychological and physical well-being into their lives. A labyrinth has a single, winding, unobstructed path from the outside to the center, unlike a maze which has many dead ends and wrong choices designed to trick the mind. Therefore, the labyrinth is often seen as a metaphor for our spiritual 'life' journey -- many twists and turns but no dead ends. We always have the opportunity to make another choice in life or 'turn' in the labyrinth. Some frequent users call the experience a meditation in motion, fusing movements and inner calm. Concentrating only on the course before you, your pace slows, your breathing deepens and your mind becomes clearer as you let go of stress.
From the outside opening at the bottom to the center, move at whatever pace feels right for you. As you do so, you may opt to:
- Quiet your mind
- Pray for yourself or someone else
- Keep a question in mind and feel the questions using your emotions
At the center, pause and take several slow deep breaths. Here, many believe you are the closest to the center of your spirit and greater insight is available. When ready to leave the center or you feel satisfied (like after eating a good meal), retrace the path back out to the entrance (which now becomes the exit point). Upon leaving the labyrinth, be grateful and thankful for the opportunity to bring divine strength and insight back with you into your daily life.
Additional Resources
- Spiritual Apps: This document offers a variety of apps that can be downloaded on your personal device.
- On Being Website: The On Being Project is a nonprofit media and public life initiative. They're offering ongoing special content (i.e., a collection of podcasts, poems, stories, meditations) for this moment; here is their listening care package for uncertain times and a starting point for the exhausted and overwhelmed.
- Online Interfaith List: an Interfaith database of institutions hosting online worship. You may also consider contacting your own faith group to see what they are offering.
- Capacitar is an international network of empowerment and solidarity. This link will take you to their YouTube site which provides simple wellness practices, team building and self-development to awaken people to their own wisdom, strength and resources. From personal healing and transformation, people can reach out to their families and communities to heal injustice and create a more peaceful world. Be sure to review the handouts below!
- offers free resources to help you thorough your stay at home
- Big Picture Bible Crafts for Kids offers simple and amazing crafts to teach children the Bible.
- The Trauma Stewardship Institute has sent out 2 tiny resources: New Gratitude log to encourage your synapses to fire - as many times as possible throughout the day - in the direction of what is one thing that is going well, what is one thing we can be grateful for. A new printable Survival Guide in case hanging it up or referencing it once (or several times) a day would be helpful. They are all the practices you know, of course, and - when we are in ineffable times like this, sometimes reminders can be useful.
- Westminster Bookstore, a non-profit ministry of Westminster Theological Seminary, has collected 15 of their favorite chapters that help us slow down and understand ourselves and our God in the midst of scary and uncertain times. These readings are available to download for free. We pray they will be a comfort to you and those you care for. Please read, share and be encouraged.
- Mindfulness in Medicine - Improving Clinician and Community Health
Related Resources
Sacred Space
Spaces are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for quiet prayer and meditation for all.
Akron Campus Spiritual Care Center:
- Located on the third floor of the Akron campus, in zone 3600 across from the orange elevators, the Spiritual Care Center comprises a sanctuary, two private prayer and meditation spaces, and a study with an interfaith multicultural lending library.
Akron Campus Meditation Room:
- The Meditation Room is location on the third floor of the Kay Jewelers Pavilion near the information desk and the entrance to the Exchange Street parking deck. It is open at all times for prayer and meditation to all people.
- Private space for Muslim prayer is available in the Meditation Room.
Mahoning Valley Campus:
- The Thomas H. Kennedy Memorial Chapel is located on the first floor lobby of Building D, room D1757, beside the restrooms.
- Private space for Muslim prayer is available in the Thomas H. Kennedy Memorial Chapel.