Module 8 - Abdominal Pain
Students will gain knowledge and develop the clinical skills to diagnose and treat common causes of abdominal pain in children in the outpatient pediatric setting.
Following the outpatient pediatric rotation, the student will be able to:
- Clinically examine a child with abdominal pain and understand the importance of a rectal exam
- Create a differential diagnosis for abdominal pain in a child (constipation, functional abdominal pain, irritable bowel, GERD, celiac disease)
- Name "red flags" in the history and/or physical exam that may indicate an organic pathology for abdominal pain in a child (ex: age < 5 or > 15, specific location of abd pain, apthous ulcers, perianal skin tags, masses, etc.)
- Describe how a growth chart can help in the evaluation of a child with abdominal pain
Abdominal exam video: Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
High Value CLIPP Case: Module G
reviewed 02/2016