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Blood Culture Collection, Venipuncture

Collection Procedure:


Policy Tech: Version 10


Special Notes: To prevent specimen contamination by microorganisms, use sterile supplies and
aseptic technique to collect specimens. Obtain cultures prior to starting antibiotic therapy. Notify the
physician if unable to obtain cultures.

Equipment: venipuncture needle, syringe for specimen, chlorhexidine frepp, tourniquet, gauze,
adhesive bandage

Blood Culture Media always consider patient’s weight when choosing appropriate bottles
Green Aerobic Bottle FA+: 1 ml minimum to 10 ml maximum (See Weight Chart)
Orange Anaerobic Bottle FN+: 2 ml minimum to 10 ml maximum (See Weight Chart)

Collection Procedure:

1. Clean venipuncture site with chlorhexidine frepp using back and forth friction scrub for 30
seconds. Allow it to dry for 30 seconds.

2. Do not retouch site; if you must repalpate for vein, the area must be recleaned using above
procedure. Perform venipuncture.

3. When required amount of blood is received, remove needle from skin.

4. Hold pressure to site with gauze and apply adhesive bandage when bleeding stops.

5. Remove venipuncture needle from syringe and attach blunt fill needle and transfer device.

6. Remove tops of blood culture bottles and swab with chlorhexidine.

7. Inject blood specimens into bottles, place specimen into the anaerobic Orange bottle, then
the aerobic Green bottle. If you only have enough blood for one bottle, place the specimen
in the aerobic Green bottle. Be careful, the bottles are pressurized and will aspirate all of
the blood from the syringe unless you control the flow with your thumb and index finger.
Optimal blood amounts are necessary or you will have decreased sensitivity which may
delay time to detection of a true positive blood culture.

8. Label bottle. Indicate whether line draw or peripheral. Label specimens with at least two

patient identifiers, such as name, medical record number, and date of birth

9. Discard needle and syringe into a sharps container

10. Send specimen promptly to CCL. If the specimen is coming from the floors, send the audit
trail with specimen that includes initials of person drawing the specimen, date, time and
venipuncture site.


Bowden, V.R., Smith Greenberg, C.(2008). Pediatric Nursing Procedures, 2nd Ed. Philadelphia:
Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Isenberg, H.D. (2004). Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook, Volume 2. Washington, D.C.:
The ASM Press.

Package Insert BacT/Alert FA+ Ref 410851. 04/2016

Package Insert BacT/Alert FN+ Ref 410852. 04/2016

Additional Info:

Blood culture recommended volume based on patient weight


 Patient weight in Kg

Blood volume to collect

Media type and  inoculation volume




(green FA plus)


(orange FN Plus)

1 to 3  (<6.6 lbs.)


1 ml


3.1 to 6 (6.6-13 lbs)


2 ml


6.1 to 9 (13-20 lbs)

4 ml

4 ml


9.1 to 12 (20-26 lbs)


4 ml

2 ml

12.1 to 20 (26-44 lbs)


4 ml

4 ml

20.1 to 25 (44-55 lbs)


5 ml

5 ml

25.1 to 40 (55-88 lbs)



5 ml

> 40 (>88 lbs)



10 ml

(revised 3-25-15)



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