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For Teens

Can You Get Mono From Just a Quick Kiss?

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Can you get mono from just a peck? I kissed someone whose lips were wet during the kiss and licked my lips afterward.

Yes, it is possible to get mono from just a quick peck on the lips. That's because the virus is carried in saliva (spit). It can spread through any contact with saliva — even from sharing forks, spoons, drinking straws, cups, or lip balm and lipstick.

If you kissed or shared a drink with someone who has mono, it doesn't mean you will get it. But the virus is contagious, so it's a good idea to avoid kissing or sharing utensils or cosmetics with anyone who's sick, recently had mono, or may have it now. Note: People can pass mono to others before they know they have it, and even someone who had it a long time ago might spread it, so mono can be hard to avoid.

If you do get symptoms of mono — such as fever, sore throat, and tiredness — call your doctor.

*Names have been changed to protect user privacy.

Reviewed by: Elana Pearl Ben-Joseph, MD
Date Reviewed: Jan 1, 2020

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