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For Teens

What Should I Do if a Condom Breaks?

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What's the Best Thing to Do if the Condom Breaks During Sex?

If you or your partner realize the condom broke during sex, stop right away and use a new one. Sometimes, though, a couple won't notice that a condom broke until after sex.

Whether you noticed the condom broke during sex or not until after:

  • You and your partner should get tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). STDs don’t always cause symptoms, so people don't always know they have one. Untreated STDs sometimes can cause serious health problems.
  • If you or your partner could get pregnant, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. They can tell you about emergency contraception (a way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex). You can also go to a health clinic like Planned Parenthood. Emergency contraception works best when it’s taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex. But you can still use it for up to 5 days after.

What Can Help Prevent Condoms From Breaking?

To prevent condoms from breaking, keep them away from heat and light. Don’t put them in a wallet or open them with anything sharp, like scissors or teeth. Also avoid using oils or lotions on them. The material used to make condoms can weaken over time, so check the expiration date on the package. Don't use a condom that has expired (gets too old).

Reviewed by: Joy Friedman, MD
Date Reviewed: Sep 1, 2024

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