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A to Z: Tooth Injury, Secondary

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May also be called: Broken Tooth; Knocked-Out Tooth

A secondary tooth injury is an injury or damage to a secondary or permanent tooth. Permanent teeth are also called "adult" teeth.

More to Know

Permanent teeth are the teeth that come in after kids lose their primary or "baby" teeth. Kids usually begin to lose their baby teeth when they're about 6 years old, then the permanent teeth come in over the next 15 years, as the jaw grows.

Tooth injuries are common, especially from falls or playing sports. An injured permanent tooth might come out, be loose, or be broken, and always needs treatment as soon as possible.

Keep in Mind

Permanent teeth that come out usually can be replaced successfully. A dentist can repair chipped or broken teeth by using either the broken parts from the tooth or a material that looks like the tooth (called composite resin).

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