A basketball family often includes teammates, coaches and a common goal. For the Tecca sisters, Emma and Rachel, it also includes their physical therapy team at Akron Children’s who rehabbed their ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tears so they were ready to reach their goals in Division I college basketball. “There are a lot of reasons […]
Hannah takes it all in stride
At 2 days old, Hannah Jabbour had surgery to close the half dollar-sized opening in the base of her spine, but only time would tell how spina bifida would impact her everyday life. “While in the NICU, Hannah also needed a shunt placed to drain the spinal fluid from her skull due to her hydrocephalus,” said Hilary, […]
Determined 2-year-old lights up recently opened New Philadelphia Health Center
Jaxon Britton is not even 2 yet and he’s already developed a reputation for marching to the beat of his own drum. “He’s a unique kid, what can we say?” his mother, Bridget said. Jaxon has defied the odds multiple times and lived to smile about it. He’s been through more serious health issues than […]
Halo traction therapy and spinal fusion surgery mean more ‘airtime’ for coaster enthusiast
For 14-year-old Matt Hill the news that he needed scoliosis surgery was far from welcome. It meant the rollercoaster aficionado had to keep two feet on the ground and sit out the already short Ohio coaster season last summer. A freshman at Hoover High School in Canton, Matt has been a platinum pass holder at […]
Here We Go Again and Again
For some reason the ease that we might feel from having Jordan’s shunt replaced was short lived as this was the first he had expressed discomfort after his surgery. The neuro team at Akron Children’s told us there is a high rate of malfunction in the first year. This doesn’t really put your mind at […]
AFOs are AOK
Jordan’s appointments went well. We met with his dermatologist to recheck the birthmark on his tummy. He said that it had grown very slightly, but that comes along with the growth of his body. Again, he was not concerned at this point and will recheck it yearly, unless our lil’ Peanut has surgery, at which time […]