Dr. Hanna Lemerman, pediatrician, gets a lot of questions from concerned parents about the flu shot. Here are the most common ones she hears and the answers. Why should I get the flu shot this year? This year will be a severe flu season. Getting the flu shot this year will help to protect you […]
Akron Children’s makes flu shots available
Akron Children’s is making flu shots available in a variety of settings and formats to make it convenient for children to get protected during the upcoming influenza season. Some settings allow for the whole family to get vaccinated together. According to Dr. Eric Robinette, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Akron Children’s, each year’s vaccine […]
Guidance on asthma, flu and COVID-19
As guidance on COVID-19 continues to change, experts agree that focusing on the things we can control is the best medicine for preventing illness and asthma episodes this flu season. Guidance on asthma: Now is a good time to review your child’s asthma action plan with a provider and make sure you have the right medications to […]