Our time of waiting is coming to a close as we have prepared to meet the newest family member, P2. It’s been an interesting journey this time around as we’ve been preparing in a different way.
With Jordan, our hopes, dreams and anxiety caused the emotions of a first pregnancy to be one we hadn’t expected. This time it honestly hasn’t been without it’s anxiety of becoming parents of 2.
Randy and I had had discussions prior to trying to become pregnant with a second child. We knew we wanted another child, but were wondering about the timing because of the dreams we’ve had for our little man.
After the initial appointments, we sighed with relief that this child appeared to be without a physical disability. However, I realize there are other diagnoses out there besides spina bifida that we could face.
We so often take pregnancy and the miracle of life for granted. When I was in grad school I remember telling myself that none of these families I was working with thought they would have a child with a disability.
The summer and fall have been filled with opportunities for helping Jordan grow strong and become his own little man. I am so thankful for the time we’ve had to pour into his little life while he has been an only child. He has become more independent and determined than ever has he’s entered his second year of life.
In August, Jordan joined a 2-year-old class that’s 2 hours a day, 2 days a week. No wonder his first number he said was 2!
The class allows him to participate in his therapy and socialize with kids his own age. It’s encouraging to see how children learn so much from watching and interacting with each other.
During part of his program, he’s placed in a stander. This allows him to stretch his hips and place weight through his body that he doesn’t necessarily get when he’s cruising around our furniture.
The stander he uses at school has large wheels on the side that allows him to maneuver around with the other kids. I am blown away at how fast he picked up using the stander and getting around.
Last week I was able to take the time to spend the day in his class. During gym class the other kids were working on kicking a ball. Jordan didn’t let it stop him as he wheeled himself over to push the ball through the gym in between the wheels. AMAZING! God is so good.
He has also been introduced to his very own gait trainer, his crocodile. Though the process of obtaining his new wheels wasn’t short, the time was well worth it to see how independent he’s been at school and at church.
We love to watch as his endurance and strength have increased over even the past few weeks. Only God knows if he will stand or walk one day without these pieces of equipment, but for now we have tears of joy as we watch him excel in who he is.
Now, if ever you’re having a bad day I need to give you 5 minutes of Jordan time. This sweet boy tells some of the funniest stories. Grant it, we have no idea what’s he’s jabbering about most of the time, but he throws his head back in laughter and slaps his little knees in his self amusement.
There’s also his sweet side that melts my heart, as he tells me, with a finger on his lips and reaching for my hand with the other hand, “Mommy, shhhh, Mommy pray.” He then folds his hands, closes his eyes and bows his head as he prays for Grandpa, Grandma, Daddy, Mommy and P2.
Of course as the days are coming to a close he’s realizing that times are changing. He seems to be taking them in stride. We’ve taken several opportunities to enjoy our time as a family of 3.
The Akron Zoo has been an activity we’ve enjoyed several times. Randy and I were so impressed with the new grizzly exhibit. Jordan enjoyed watching the bears swim in their pool. I think Randy and I were a little more excited with the close encounter.
We took a trip to Kentucky with our small group from church to the Creation Museum. We enjoyed several walks around the local park, playing games while Jordan stands in his stander, visiting yard sales, taking a trip to visit extended family in Tennessee, and picking up rocks wherever we went.
My most treasured memory may be an idea I got from my friend to pick up a sound recorder from Build a Bear to take to an upcoming appointment. One of Jordan’s favorite times throughout our pregnancy has been to listen to P2’s heart beat. We were able to capture the 138-beat-a-minute rate.
Each time he played it back he was excited to listen to his baby. We then took a trip to Build a Bear to have Jordan pick out a bear, stuff it, place a heart inside, wash, and prepare the bear for his sibling. We can’t wait to share his gift – full of love and straight from the heart.
As we prepare for our newest addition, I treasure the time we’ve had to invest in our family and I’m excited to see what God has in store for the next chapter of our journey. My heart overflows with joy as we’ve had the opportunity to watch and wait for the unknown – knowing that God has so much more in store.
Read more about Megs’ and Randy’s journey of raising a child with spina bifida through her blog, Labor of Love.