Allison Gonzales was Dr. Carly Dulabon’s first patient when Akron Children’s opened its Breastfeeding Medicine Program in February 2024.
Dr. Dulabon was inspired to start the program because, years earlier, she too was exactly in Allison’s place – a new mom of twins who had been through the emotional roller coaster ride of the NICU and was struggling with something as vitally important as feeding her newborns.
Allison learned about the program through her pediatrician, Dr. Ashley Ryan, of Akron Children’s Hudson office, and started seeing her every two weeks from the time the twins were two months of age until they were four months. Her husband, Chris, was very supportive and came with her to all of her appointments.
“I’m a first-time mom, a mom of multiples, a NICU mom – it was a lot to process,” said Allison. “And it was so nice to connect with somebody who had lived it because her newborns were also in the NICU for some time. So, the first appointment was just sharing our stories and my goals – my dream was to tandem nurse my babies at the same time.”
Allison was a perfect candidate for the new program.
“Alli came to me after leaving the NICU with a lot of NICU trauma and breastfeeding hardships,” said Dr. Dulabon. “Learning to feed is the hardest part for many NICU babies, and they came to me to help make the transition from pumping and giving bottles to direct nursing.”

The Gonzales twins were born at 35 weeks and spent two weeks in Akron Children’s NICU.
One of Dr. Dulabon’s tips that Allison found most helpful was offering the breast at times when the babies weren’t super hungry. This reduces the chance that they will be fussy and frustrated at their feeding.
“She [Dr. Dulabon] talked about keeping it a positive experience,” said Allison. “She also encouraged me to try different techniques when we were bottle feeding to mimic breastfeeding such as controlling the flow and pace of the feeding and simulating a letdown.”

In addition to her medical degree, Dr. Dulabon is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and a member of the North American Board of Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine.
Allison said Thea, in particular, got frustrated when she tried to nurse because, after bottle feeding in the NICU, she wanted the milk “right then and there,” similar to a bottle.
“Essentially we had to teach her some patience at the breast,” said Allison. “And to be willing to work for the milk.”

Chris attended all of Allison’s appointments with Dr. Dulabon and has been a huge support to her.
Allison could not be happier with the end result.
“It’s now just an amazing experience,” she said. “I exclusively nurse the twins now. I tandem nurse them at the same time. It’s truly so special. A priceless gift. I love it and so do they and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without her help and support.”

Thea is “our wild child,” said Allison. “She never cooperated with non-stress tests or ultrasounds; she was constantly moving in the womb. And is still moving – a very sassy girl.” Enzo is “very sweet, sensitive, cuddly. He likes to smile and coo at his sister.”