Rose Lopez, clinical coordinator, says it’s always been a dream of hers to work at Akron Children’s.
“Eleven years ago, I was working in a long-term care facility as a nurse, but I knew I wanted to be connected to Akron Children’s, so I decided to volunteer as a guest attendant to get my foot in the door,” she says.
Eventually Rose’s dream came true, and she was hired as a staff nurse on the acute pediatric unit in the Mahoning Valley – a role that she says doesn’t always feel like work.
“My job is the best of both worlds because I get to help my patients get better while doing it alongside my lovely coworkers,” she says. “We have fun at our job, while also making a difference.”
As one of the night shift clinical coordinators in the Mahoning Valley, Rose’s job is to oversee and be a resource to staff to ensure all patient orders are implemented in a timely manner and that all patients are given the best care possible.
“I really like the mentorship aspect that comes with my position,” she says. “I was once a new graduate and I remember how overwhelming it was during my first year. Given the role that I have now, I don’t want any staff to ever feel like that. I like coming to work and leaving knowing that I have helped my staff have a good shift.”
Rose says being a good manager is especially important when it comes to staff retainment.
“People come and go in any job because often they think the grass is greener somewhere else,” she says. “I’ve seen nurses leave and then come back which says a lot about what’s good about Akron Children’s.”
In 2018, Rose completed her master’s in nursing. Ironically, her decision to become a nurse was guided by a friend who was pursuing the profession.
“To be honest, I went to nursing school (at Liceo de Cagayan University in the Philippines) because that’s what she wanted and I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do after high school,” says Rose. “I fell in love with nursing in the process and I’m very glad I chose this profession because it’s a really versatile career.”
When she’s not working, Rose can be found cozied up with her cat reading a book while drinking a cup of coffee.
“Self-care and work-life balance are definitely important to avoid burnout,” she says. “I try not to think about work when I’m not at work and vice versa. When work gets overwhelming, I look forward to coming home. But when my 2 boys get rambunctious, I look forward to going to work. It evens it out!”
Being a parent helps Rose to not sweat the small stuff when it comes to stressful work situations.
“I try to be the calming voice by letting parents know that I also have kids and that we will take care of their children the same as we would our own,” she says. “Pediatric patients are so forgiving, and they are very easy to please. I can honestly say that I look forward to coming to work because it doesn’t always feel like work.”
‘Having fun while making a difference’ is Rose’s mantra. She takes great pride in knowing her night shift crew enjoys working with her.
“We don’t sit down until everybody sits down. Everybody jumps in to help without being asked,” she says. “We have a great team on our unit, and we don’t take that lightly.”
Are you ready to embark on a rewarding career in nursing? Discover opportunities at and join Rose in making a meaningful impact.