Akron Children’s was recently awarded Press Ganey’s NDNQI award for outstanding nursing quality.
Akron Children’s was recently honored with the 2021 NDNQI (National Database of Nurse Quality Indicators) Award for Outstanding Nursing Quality by Press Ganey, the national leader in health care consumer and workforce engagement.
Chris Young, CNO, said, “Thanks to the hard work exhibited by all our nursing staff, we were recognized as one of Press Ganey’s top-performing health care systems across the nation giving us greater insight into how we continue to raise the bar in taking care of the communities we serve. This award underscores the heroic efforts of our nurses, who are at the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Pediatric hospitals must submit data on at least 9 measures, including 3 patient outcome measures. Hospitals are compared based on assessments of their nursing units.
“Each unit is benchmarked with other units of the same type,” said Vickie Webb, MSN, RN-BC, CPN, senior nursing performance improvement coordinator. “These benchmarked scores are then averaged to produce an overall score.”
Akron Children’s was recognized as the highest-ranking pediatric hospital.
Akron Children’s submitted data on the following measures:
- Total nursing hours per patient day
- Percent of nursing care hours provide by RNs
- Percent agency hours
- Pediatric pain air cycle
- Total fall rate
- Unassisted fall rate
- Unit acquired pressure injury rate
- Ventilator assisted pneumonia per 1,000 device days
- Central line associated bloodstream infections per 1,000 device days
- Catheter associated urinary tract infections per 1,000 patient days
- Rate of pediatric IV infiltrations per IV
“The majority of our units outperformed the benchmark in all our submitted measures,” said Vickie. “This award represents more than the quality of care nurses provide, but also serves as a reflection of Akron Children’s commitment to improving patient outcomes.”
Here are examples (as of Quarter 2, 2021):
- 100% of reporting units outperformed the benchmark consistently* in the number of hospital acquired pressure injuries
- 100% of reporting units outperformed the benchmark consistently* in the number of peripheral intravenous infiltrates
- 100% of reporting units (operation rooms) outperformed the ambulatory benchmark consistently* in the number of patient burns in a surgical area
- 100 % of reporting units outperformed the benchmark consistently in the number of catheter associated urinary tract infections
*consistently = outperformed at least 5 of the past 8 quarters
“Collecting the data to submit takes time and a coordinated effort from a team of front-line nurses, data analysts and data entry staff,” said Vickie. “This award would not be possible without them.”