My son, Max, was born in the middle of a November blizzard in 2008 with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. Rewind to our 20 week ultrasound, where we were excited to find out his gender but were surprised to instead learn that he had a cleft. The tech was certain about his lip but […]
Archives for July 2018
It took 10 years for 1 family to get a good night’s sleep – Here’s what they learned on their journey
Rewards. Bribery. Anger. Frustration. Lights on, lights off. Music. Stuffed animals. TV on, TV off. Fans. Melatonin. Talking, pleading, professional counseling. Monica and Richard Plack had tried everything to get their youngest daughter, Bailey, to sleep through the night – in her own bed. It had been an ongoing battle; Bailey was now 10 years […]