Ive already had COVID-19. Do I still need a vaccine?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), researchers don’t yet know how long people are protected from reinfection after recovering from COVID-19. However, at least some of the vaccine trials have included people who recovered from COVID-19. Even if recovered patients have some natural immunity, the vaccine could create a stronger immune system response.
The study included evaluating whether the vaccine put people who had had recent COVID-19 at any increased risk of side effects or increased risk in terms of getting the vaccine, and the answer to that was no. So, there appears to be no additional risk to you to get the vaccine if you’ve had COVID-19. Immunity due to the vaccine seems to be greater than with the natural illness. Waiting 90 days after your COVID-19 illness is also an option as there appears to be some natural immunity for up to 90 days after natural illness with COVID-19. The CDC’s guidance may be found at