Daisy's Story
Daisy was rescued from Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter when she was 4 years old. As a volunteer there, I see lots of dogs coming and (hopefully) going.
One day, about 6 months after our beagle was put down due to advanced cancer, I was walking into the shelter as Daisy was being brought in. She was transferred to our shelter after spending 7 days at the Cleveland Kennel. She walked up to me and put her head right into my hand to get petted. Well that did it. Right there I told the deputy I want to adopt her. She just made it into a kennel and I was putting my name down to adopt her. It was only then that I called my husband and told him I wanted him to come meet a dog. Daisy and my husband got along well. Three days later I was allowed to take her home. And here we are 4 years later.