Maternal-Fetal Medicine

With advanced training and experience in high-risk obstetrics and prenatal diagnosis, we manage complications in pregnancy, including multiple pregnancies, placental abnormalities, fetal anomalies, genetic disorders, nutritional issues and infectious diseases. We provide you and your family with the support you need to deliver a healthy baby.
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Department: 330-543-4500
About Maternal-Fetal Medicine
We offer a variety of treatments and services in the fields of prenatal care, genetic counseling, fetal diagnosis and management of high-risk pregnancies. We also coordinate a plan of care with our neonatologists before delivery to ensure seamless, integrated services for both you and your child.
We also provide preconception services for women with medical or family histories that put them at risk for pregnancy complications or for couples concerned about genetic conditions and disorders.
Women are considered at an increased risk for pregnancy complications because they:
- are older than 35
- have medical or surgical disorders such as heart disease, high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia, pulmonary disease, diabetes or other endocrine disorders, lupus, kidney disease, or gastrointestinal disease
- have an increased risk of preterm labor
- are carrying twins, triplets or other multiples
- require advanced prenatal diagnostic procedures
- have concerns related to a possible birth defect
- have experienced recurrent pregnancy loss
- have a maternal genetic disorder
- are at an increased risk for adverse outcomes such as premature rupture of membranes and suspected fetal growth restriction
Women with type 1, type 2 or gestational diabetes have a slightly higher risk for having a baby with a birth defect. Through our diabetes and pregnancy program, we carefully monitor women with diabetes to ensure they have a healthy pregnancy.
Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Akron
Akron Children's Maternal-Fetal Medicine Center, AkronConsidine Professional Building
215 West Bowery Street
Level 5
Akron, Ohio 44308
Fax: 330-543-4508
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Appointments: 330-543-4500
Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Summa
Akron Children's Maternal-Fetal Medicine at SummaSumma Health System - Akron Campus
75 Arch Street, Suite 102
Akron, Ohio 44304
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Appointments: 330-543-4500
Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Canton Aultman
Akron Children's Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Canton AultmanAultman Physician Office Building
2600 Tuscarawas Street West, Suite 300
Canton, Ohio 44708
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Appointments: 330-543-4500
Department: 330-363-6296
Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Mansfield
Akron Children's Maternal-Fetal Medicine, MansfieldAkron Children's Health Center, Mansfield
1029 S. Trimble Road
Mansfield, Ohio 44906
Fax: 330-543-4508 Records
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Appointments: 330-543-4500
Department: 419-521-2900
Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Wooster
Akron Children's Maternal-Fetal Medicine, WoosterWooster Community Hospital
546 Winter Street, Suite 100
Wooster, Ohio 44691
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Appointments: 330-543-4500
Marya Strand, MD, MS
Chair, Department of Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine; Thomas R. & Mary Lynn Crowley Endowed Chair in Neonatology and Maternal Fetal Medicine; Director, Division of Neonatology; Neonatologist
Jennifer Hostetler, MSN, APRN-CNP
Certified Women's Health Nurse Practitioner
- 22Q11.2 Deletion
- Abdominal Wall Defects
- Achondrogenesis
- Achondroplasia
- Agenesis Of The Corpus Callosum
- Ambiguous Genitalia
- Amniotic Band Syndrome (Abs)
- Anencephaly
- Anomalies Of Cortical Development
- Anomalous Pulmonary Veins
- Anorectal Malformations
- Aortic Stenosis
- Apert Syndrome
- Arachnoid Cyst
- Arterial Tortuosity
- Arteriovenous Malformations
- Arthrogryposis
- Atrial Septal Defect
- Atrioventricular Canal Defect
- Atrioventricular Canal
- Bicuspid Aortic Valve
- Birth Defect
- Bladder Exstrophy
- Body-Stalk Anomaly
- Brachial Cleft Remnant
- Bradyarrhythmias
- Bronchopulmonary Sequestration (Brs)
- Campomelic Dysplasia
- Cardiomyopathy
- Cerebral Calcifications
- Cervical Teratoma
- Choledochal Cyst
- Chondrodysplasia Punctata
- Chorioangioma
- Cleft Lip And Cleft Palate
- Clinodactyly
- Cloacal Exstrophy
- Clubfoot
- Coarctation Of The Aorta
- Colonic Atresia
- Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
- Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
- Congenital Heart Disease
- Congenital High Airway Obstruction Syndrome
- Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation
- Conjoined Twins
- Craniofacial Anomalies
- Craniofacial Microsomia
- Craniosynostosis
- Crouzon Syndrome
- Crouzonodermoskeletal Syndrome
- Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation
- Cystic Hygroma In Early Pregnancy
- Cystic Hygroma In Late Pregnancy
- Cystic Lesions Of The Abdomen
- Dandy Walker Syndrome
- Dandy-Walker Malformation And Variants
- Diabetes
- Diastrophic Dysplasia
- Digeorge Syndrome
- Double Inlet Left Ventricle
- Double Outlet Right Ventricle
- Down Syndrome
- Duodenal Atresia And Stenosis
- Ebstein’s Anomaly
- Echogenic Kidneys
- Ectopia Cordis
- Ectrodactyly
- Eisenmenger Syndrome
- Ellis-Van Creveld Syndrome
- Encephalocele
- Esophageal Atresia And Tracheoesophageal Fistula
- Exencephaly/Acrania
- Fetal Anomaly
- Fetal Arrhythmias
- Fetal Distress
- Fetal Spina Bifida
- Fetal Thyroid Disorders
- Gastroschisis
- Genetic Defect
- Gestational Diabetes
- Goiter
- Hemifacial Microsomia
- Hemivertebrae
- Heterotaxy Syndrome
- High Blood Pressure
- High Risk Pregnancy
- Hirschsprung’s Disease
- Holoprosencephaly
- Hydranencephaly
- Hydrocephalus
- Hydronephrosis (Various Types)
- Hydrothorax
- Hypertelorism
- Hypophosphatasia
- Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
- Hypoplastic Left Ventricle
- Hypoplastic Right Ventricle
- Hypotelorism
- Immune Hydrops
- Imperforate Anus
- Interrupted Aortic Arch
- Intestinal Malrotation
- Intra-Abdominal Calcifications
- Intracardiac Tumors
- Intracranial Hemorrhage
- Intrauterine Death In One Twin
- Intrauterine Growth Restriction
- Jarcho-Levin Syndrome
- Jejunoileal Atresia And Stenosis
- Klinefelter Syndrome
- Liver Tumors
- Macrocephaly
- Macroglossia
- Malformation In Twins
- Mesoblastic Nephroma
- Microcephaly
- Micrognathia And Agnathia
- Microphthalmia/Anophthalmia
- Monoamniotic Twins
- Monochorionic Twins
- Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney
- Myelodysplasia
- Myelomeningocele
- Neural Tube Defects
- Neuroblastoma
- Neurofibromatosis
- Nonimmune Hydrops Fetalis
- Oligohydramnios
- Omphalocele
- Osteogenesis Imperfecta
- Other Autosomal Aneuploidies
- Other Cystic Lesions Of The Chest
- Ovarian Cysts
- Overgrowth Syndromes
- Patent Ductus Arteriosus
- Pentalogy Of Cantrell
- Persistent Cloaca
- Polycystic Kidney Disease
- Polydactyly
- Polyhydramnios
- Porencephaly
- Preeclampsia
- Pregnant
- Prenatal Care
- Prenatal Diagnosis
- Pulmonary Agenesis
- Pulmonary Stenosis And Atresia
- Pyloric Atresia And Stenosis
- Radial Aplasia
- Renal Agenesis
- Retinoblastoma
- Sacrococcygeal Teratoma
- Short-Rib Polydactyly Syndrome
- Single Umbilical Artery
- Sirenomelia
- Spina Bifida
- Syndactyly
- Tachyarrhythmias
- Tetralogy Of Fallot
- Tetrasomy 12P (Pallister-Killian Syndrome)
- Thanatophoric Dysplasia
- Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return
- Transposition Of Great Arteries
- Triple X Syndrome
- Triploidy
- Trisomy 13
- Trisomy 18
- Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome)
- Trisomy X
- Truncus Arteriosus
- Turner Syndrome
- Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence
- Twin-To-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (Ttts)
- Umbilical Cord Abnormalities
- Umbilical Hernia
- Vein Of Galen Aneurysm
- Ventricular Septal Defect
- Ventricular Septal Defects
- Wilms’ Tumor
- Xxx
- Xxy
- Xyy
Q: What is a maternal-fetal medicine doctor?
A: A maternal-fetal medicine doctor is a specialized doctor who helps moms and babies during a complicated pregnancy. They take care of moms who might have health problems or babies who might need extra help before they’re born.
Q: When should I see a maternal-fetal medicine doctor?
A: You might need to see a maternal-fetal medicine doctor if:
- You have health problems like diabetes or high blood pressure
- You’re pregnant with twins or more
- You’ve had problems with pregnancies before
Your regular doctor thinks your baby might need special care
Q: What happens at my first visit with a maternal-fetal medicine doctor?
A: At your first visit, the doctor will:- Ask about your health history
- Do a physical exam
- Maybe do an ultrasound to look at your baby
- Answer your questions
Make a plan for your care
Q: Will I still see my regular doctor if I’m seeing a maternal-fetal medicine doctor?
A: Yes, you’ll still see your regular doctor. The maternal-fetal medicine doctor will work with your regular doctor to give you the best care.
Q: What kinds of tests might a maternal-fetal medicine doctor do?
A: They might do tests like:- Special ultrasounds to look closely at your baby
- Blood tests to check on your health
Tests to check if your baby has any health problems
Q: Can maternal-fetal medicine doctors help if my baby needs surgery before birth?
A: Yes, some maternal-fetal medicine doctors can do surgery on babies before they’re born. This is for very special cases when a baby needs help right away.
Q: How often will I need to see a maternal-fetal medicine doctor?
A: It depends on why you’re seeing the doctor. Some moms might go once or twice during pregnancy. Others might go more often if they need extra care.
Q: Will my insurance cover seeing a maternal-fetal medicine doctor?
A: Most insurance plans cover maternal-fetal medicine care. But it’s a good idea to check with your insurance company to make sure.
Q: Can a maternal-fetal medicine doctor deliver my baby?
A: Usually, your regular doctor or midwife will deliver your baby. The maternal-fetal medicine doctor will help plan for the delivery and be there if needed.
Q: What should I bring to my appointment with a maternal-fetal medicine doctor?
A: Bring:- Your medical records
- A list of your medicines
- Any ultrasound pictures you have
A list of questions you want to ask
If you’re struggling with worry, sadness or other negative feelings during or after pregnancy, we have on-site psychologists to help you cope with difficult thoughts and feelings.
Our team of psychologists specialize in treating moms with:
- High-risk pregnancies
- Patients with serious medical or physical problems
- Teenage pregnancy and motherhood
- Postpartum depression and/or anxiety
Are you:
- Having difficulty concentrating or making decisions?
- Feeling worried, anxious or overwhelmed?
- Feeling sad, hopeless or crying a lot?
- Experiencing mood swings, irritability or anger?
- Feeling fatigued, having trouble sleeping or experiencing changes in appetite?
- Feeling out of control?
- Having thoughts of hurting yourself or your child(ren)?
- Having difficulty bonding with your baby?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, contact your medical provider or talk with NICU staff, to discuss a referral to one of our on-site psychologists, or call 330-543-4500.
Additional resources:
- National Maternal Mental Health Hotline for pregnant and new moms in English and Spanish.
- 24/7 Free, Confidential Hotline 1-833-943-5746 or visit
If you are in suicidal crisis, please call or text 988 or visit the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
Referrals are initiated by a provider-to-provider discussion. Please ask your provider to call: 330-543-4500
Programs and Clinics
Conditions and Treatments:
22Q11.2 Deletion, Abdominal Wall Defects, Achondrogenesis, Achondroplasia, Agenesis Of The Corpus Callosum, Ambiguous Genitalia, Amniotic Band Syndrome (Abs), Anencephaly, Anomalies Of Cortical Development, Anomalous Pulmonary Veins, Anorectal Malformations, Aortic Stenosis, Apert Syndrome, Arachnoid Cyst, Arterial Tortuosity, Arteriovenous Malformations, Arthrogryposis, Atrial Septal Defect, Atrioventricular Canal Defect, Atrioventricular Canal, Bicuspid Aortic Valve, Birth Defect, Bladder Exstrophy, Body-Stalk Anomaly, Brachial Cleft Remnant, Bradyarrhythmias, Bronchopulmonary Sequestration (Brs), Campomelic Dysplasia, Cardiomyopathy, Cerebral Calcifications, Cervical Teratoma, Choledochal Cyst, Chondrodysplasia Punctata, Chorioangioma, Cleft Lip And Cleft Palate, Clinodactyly, Cloacal Exstrophy, Clubfoot, Coarctation Of The Aorta, Colonic Atresia, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, Congenital Heart Disease, Congenital High Airway Obstruction Syndrome, Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation, Conjoined Twins, Craniofacial Anomalies, Craniofacial Microsomia, Craniosynostosis, Crouzon Syndrome, Crouzonodermoskeletal Syndrome, Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation, Cystic Hygroma In Early Pregnancy, Cystic Hygroma In Late Pregnancy, Cystic Lesions Of The Abdomen, Dandy Walker Syndrome, Dandy-Walker Malformation And Variants, Diabetes, Diastrophic Dysplasia, Digeorge Syndrome, Double Inlet Left Ventricle, Double Outlet Right Ventricle, Down Syndrome, Duodenal Atresia And Stenosis, Ebstein's Anomaly, Echogenic Kidneys, Ectopia Cordis, Ectrodactyly, Eisenmenger Syndrome, Ellis-Van Creveld Syndrome, Encephalocele, Esophageal Atresia And Tracheoesophageal Fistula, Exencephaly/Acrania, Fetal Anomaly, Fetal Arrhythmias, Fetal Distress, Fetal Spina Bifida, Fetal Thyroid Disorders, Gastroschisis, Genetic Defect, Gestational Diabetes, Goiter, Hemifacial Microsomia, Hemivertebrae, Heterotaxy Syndrome, High Blood Pressure, High Risk Pregnancy, Hirschsprung's Disease, Holoprosencephaly, Hydranencephaly, Hydrocephalus, Hydronephrosis (Various Types), Hydrothorax, Hypertelorism, Hypophosphatasia, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Hypoplastic Left Ventricle, Hypoplastic Right Ventricle, Hypotelorism, Immune Hydrops, Imperforate Anus, Interrupted Aortic Arch, Intestinal Malrotation, Intra-Abdominal Calcifications, Intracardiac Tumors, Intracranial Hemorrhage, Intrauterine Death In One Twin, Intrauterine Growth Restriction, Jarcho-Levin Syndrome, Jejunoileal Atresia And Stenosis, Klinefelter Syndrome, Liver Tumors, Macrocephaly, Macroglossia, Malformation In Twins, Mesoblastic Nephroma, Microcephaly, Micrognathia And Agnathia, Microphthalmia/Anophthalmia, Monoamniotic Twins, Monochorionic Twins, Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney, Myelodysplasia, Myelomeningocele, Neural Tube Defects, Neuroblastoma, Neurofibromatosis, Nonimmune Hydrops Fetalis, Oligohydramnios, Omphalocele, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Other Autosomal Aneuploidies, Other Cystic Lesions Of The Chest, Ovarian Cysts, Overgrowth Syndromes, Patent Ductus Arteriosus, Pentalogy Of Cantrell, Persistent Cloaca, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Polydactyly, Polyhydramnios, Porencephaly, Preeclampsia, Pregnant, Prenatal Care, Prenatal Diagnosis, Pulmonary Agenesis, Pulmonary Stenosis And Atresia, Pyloric Atresia And Stenosis, Radial Aplasia, Renal Agenesis, Retinoblastoma, Sacrococcygeal Teratoma, Short-Rib Polydactyly Syndrome, Single Umbilical Artery, Sirenomelia, Spina Bifida, Syndactyly, Tachyarrhythmias, Tetralogy Of Fallot, Tetrasomy 12P (Pallister-Killian Syndrome), Thanatophoric Dysplasia, Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return, Transposition Of Great Arteries, Triple X Syndrome, Triploidy, Trisomy 13, Trisomy 18, Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome), Trisomy X, Truncus Arteriosus, Turner Syndrome, Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence, Twin-To-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (Ttts), Umbilical Cord Abnormalities, Umbilical Hernia, Vein Of Galen Aneurysm, Ventricular Septal Defect, Ventricular Septal Defects, Wilms' Tumor, Xxx, Xxy, Xyy