Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Follow-Up Program

The Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Follow-Up Program is a Heart Center and Division of Neurobehavioral Health multidisciplinary clinic for children with congenital heart disease.
Learn more...Department: 330-543-2778
About Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Follow-Up Program
Research shows a link between congenital heart disease and neurodevelopmental issues that is first apparent in very young children. This program addresses these long-term issues, as well as the possible impact of early heart surgery, through early intervention services.
Close developmental follow-up is very important during the first 3 years of life and should continue well into school age. Getting an early start helps to address issues and lay the foundation for future learning and success.
Heart Center
Akron Children's Heart Center, AkronConsidine Professional Building
215 West Bowery Street
Level 5
Akron, Ohio 44308
Fax: 330-543-3850
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Appointments: 330-543-2778
Department: 330-543-8521
Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Follow-Up Program
Akron Children's Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Follow-UpConsidine Professional Building
215 West Bowery Street
Level 4
Akron, Ohio 44308
Map & directions
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Appointments: 330-543-2778
Department: 330-543-8050
Grace Smith, MD, FACC
Director, Heart Center Mahoning Valley; Associate Director, Pediatric Arrhythmia Center; Co-Director, Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Clinic; Pediatric Cardiologist
Children referred to our program receive a complete evaluation of their abilities and an individual care plan to best meet their needs. This evaluation is performed by our neuropsychologists. It can last for several hours and tests for developmental impact in these areas:
- Cognitive functioning
- Gross and fine motor skills
- Play and social skills • Attention
- Speech and language development
- Behavior
- Memory and learning
- Academic performance in reading, writing and math
Following the evaluation, our neurobehavioral specialists will meet with you to discuss results and treatment recommendations as well as provide you with a written summary. We also send a report of your child’s visits and the care provided to your child’s pediatrician. If additional resources are needed to help your child, our team will provide appropriate referrals.
We recommend that babies and toddlers be evaluated every 6 months through age 3 years, then once a year thereafter until at least age 6 years. If an appointment is not made before you leave the hospital following your child’s heart surgery, you may be referred to our program by your pediatric cardiologist, your child’s pediatrician or your family doctor
Conditions and Treatments:
Cognitive functioning, heart, murmur, heart-valve, valve, heart rhythm, arrhythmia,