Adoptive Health Services

Akron Children's is among a handful of children’s hospitals that provides specialized medical services for families seeking to adopt, including domestic, international and special-needs adoptions. We help you gain knowledge and understanding about the medical, emotional and developmental histories of your potential child and offer guidance during the adoption process and beyond.
Learn more...Department: 330-865-1252, option 3
About Adoptive Health Services
Medical records for adoptive children can be very sketchy or absent. We’ll help you put the puzzle pieces together so you can be prepared and educated about the needs and issues of the child you plan to adopt.
Our review of these medical and mental health records will help you understand current and potential medical, developmental and mental health needs. This may include conditions related to poor nutrition, prematurity, lack of prenatal care and genetic diseases. Our team will work to connect you to the specific supports and services your child needs, even if the need arises years after the adoption process is complete.
Adoptive Health Services
Akron Children's Pediatrics, Fairlawn701 White Pond Drive
Suite 100
Akron, Ohio 44320
Fax: 330-865-1260
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Department: 330-865-1252, option 3